蟒周刊-394-俺的 Python 开发环境 2020 版

2019/11/14 23:40
阅读数 251

原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #393


  • 191106 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 42 分钟 完成快译
  • 191106 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 17 分钟 完成格式转抄.

The Python Software Foundation Packaging Working Group is receiving funding to work on the design, implementation, and rollout of pip’s next-generation dependency resolver. Funding has been allocated to secure a senior developer and an intermediate developer, starting in December 2019 or January 2020. RFP open now through November 22.

The co-creator of Django explains his Python environment: “My setup pieces together pyenv, poetry, and pipx. It’s probably a tad more complex than is ideal for most Python users, but for the things I need, it’s perfect.” Related discussion on Hacker News.


来了, 又来了, 每年更新最具有引战体质话题...

pipenv 被弃用非常明智... )

Python list comprehensions make it easy to create lists while performing sophisticated filtering, mapping, and conditional logic on their members. In this tutorial, you’ll learn when to use a list comprehension in Python and how to create them effectively.







“Don’t be afraid to create new, more specific data types for your specific use cases. It’s okay to represent different data, used for different purposes, with different data structures, and makes later generalization easier!”


毕竟 Python 内置的, 而对其它对象的分析, Python 生态中工具也是最多的...

所以, 嫑怕, 放心定制自己舒服的... )

In this tutorial, you will learn how to automatically detect natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, wildfires, cyclones/hurricanes) with up to 95% accuracy using Keras, Computer Vision, and Deep Learning.

GitHub has published its latest State of the Octoverse report which provides fascinating insights into the development industry.


第一当然是 JAVA 了, 报告中还有其它有趣的结论:

谁是增长最快的语言? 哪个编辑器最受欢迎...

当然, 无论调查如何, 自己舒服的才是最好的.


“We needed a Python interpreter that can be shipped everywhere. You won’t believe what happened next!”


简单说, 用专用工具来完成...别自己乱来... )


除了 this 模块之外, 在各种领域都散落有官方一直没注意到的神奇模块, 当然, 多数都是和大数据相关的, pandas 插件, 数据清理/探索, 以及性能检测什么的...




简单说 datetime 才是最好的选择. )


> Discussions



> Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Python lambdas are little, anonymous functions, subject to a more restrictive but more concise syntax than regular Python functions. Test your understanding on how you can use them better!


真蟒 少见的随堂测试, 大家可以尝试一下看对 Lambda 应用场景理解的是否嗯哼


“In this episode, Kelly and Sean discuss plausible trends in machine learning, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and data science that we may see in schools by 2024. We focus on 5 areas from microscale in the classroom to macro across the entire educational system.”


未来的教育中, Python 应该什么样?

AI 将泛滥, 工具将更加丰富, 老师将更加无力, 学生自主行为必然得到越来越大的加强


Learn about coroutines in Python by example. More specifically, you’ll see how to handle coroutines using asyncio.

In this course, you’ll learn how to work with recursion in your Python programs by mastering concepts such as recursive functions and recursive data structures.



递归...其实, 至今见过最精巧的 Recursively 都是在 LISP 生态中...


Learn how to read Stata (.dta) files in Python and how to write a Stata file to CSV and Excel files.

A step-by-step walkthrough of how to set up a basic CRUD app with Vue and Flask.


Flask 的热点关联一直很专业


Exploring a Tornado use case in low memory environment.


Tornado 严格意义上并不是框架, 而是基础组件, 当然, 也可以独立使用, 所以, 在小内存环境中很得趣...



叕一个模块依赖管理思路... 只是, 第三方没什么好说的, 一但定型都是固定的, 工程内部自制模块的管理才是困难点吧...



等等, 这有什么好比较的? 关注方向都相反的吧...



一半都是5年以上老框架了,,,,而且多数都是专注 RESTful API 生成的, 并不是通用 web 应用框架



> Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code



首先, 还是得起一个完整的 浏览器哪...



CLI 果然是最好的界面



好是好, 可惜不存在哪..



这真的稳定了, 那 C++ 老司机可就惨了...



这就叫专注... pytest 的插件,专门管理一定失败的安全带.

$ pytest --quarantine
====== test session starts ======
collected 1380 items
added mark.xfail to 661 of 661 items from quarantine.txt


====== 719 passed, 661 xfailed in 300.51 seconds ======


📆🐍 活动/大会

> Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心


> ❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

第4期已上线, 为期6周;

191124 报名结束
191201 正式开课
200112 按时结束


> NN 3823

101camp4py 报名中

报名入口 -> https://py.101.camp/

  • 191124 报名截止
  • 191201 正式开课
  • 200112 按时结束

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