Laravel - 从百草园到三味书屋 "From Apprentice To Artisan"目录

原文作者:Taylor Otwell 网上偶得此书,是 Laravel 的作者写的。 Laravel 是近年来优秀的 PHP 框架,国内外都有很多支持者。该框架应用了大量 PHP5 尤其是 5.3 以后的新特性,使得后端的开发...

From Apprentice To Artisan 翻译 20

上一篇 Dependency Inversion Principle 依赖反转原则 Introduction 介绍 We have reached our final destination in our overview of the five SOLID design principles! The final princip...

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Interface Segregation Principle 接口隔离原则: Introduction 介绍, In Action 实践

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Liskov Substitution Principle 里氏替换原则: Introduction 介绍, In Action 实践

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Open Closed Principle 开放封闭原则: Introduction 介绍, In Action 实践

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Single Responsibility Principle 单一职责原则: Introduction 介绍, In Action 实践

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Extending The Framework 扩展框架: Authentication 身份认证, IoC Based Extension 使用容器进行扩展,Request Extension 请求的扩展...

From Apprentice To Artisan 翻译 14

Extending The Framework 扩展框架: Introduction 介绍,Manager & Factories 管理者和工厂,Cache 缓存,Session 会话...

From Apprentice To Artisan 翻译 13

Applied Architecture: Decoupling Handlers 实用做法:解耦处理函数: Introduction 介绍;Decoupling Handlers 解耦处理函数;Other Handlers 其他处理函数...

From Apprentice To Artisan 翻译 12

Application Structure 应用结构: Where To Put "Stuff" 东西都放哪儿?

From Apprentice To Artisan 翻译 11

Application Structure 应用结构: Bye, Bye Models 再见,模型;It's All About The Layers 核心思想就是分层

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Application Structure 应用结构: Introduction 介绍, MVC Is Killing You MVC是慢性谋杀

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上一篇 Booting Providers 服务提供者的启动过程 After all providers have been registered, they are "booted". This will fire the boot method on each provider. A common mistake whe...

From Apprentice To Artisan 翻译 06

Interface As Contract 接口约定: Interfaces & Team Development 接口与团队开发

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Interface As Contract 接口约定: Strong Typing & Water Fowl 强类型和小鸭子, A Contract Example 约定的范例

From Apprentice To Artisan 翻译 02

Dependency Injection 依赖注入: Take If further 更进一步;Too Much Java?太像Java了?


