高手问答 是开源中国针对行业特定技术问题发起的专家问答。
NOTE: Since you downloaded everything with repo, you can easily use repo to switch between branches without downloading everything again: repo init -b jb; repo sync This will do...
Extending the Android Application class and dealing with Singleton In this post I’m going to show the basic steps to extend the Android Application class and I’m also going to...
Event dispatching is relatively simple. There are two major models: - Focus-based dispatching is used for key events and trackball events. - Position-based dispatching is used f...
编译 sdk 时,先运行 lunch sdk-eng,不然编译会出错,形如: development/build/sdk.atree:229: couldn't locate source file: framework/layoutlib-tests.jar lunch 的自动不全中没有 sdk-...
每个属性都有一个名称和值,他们都是字符串格式。属性被大量使用在Android系统中,用来记录系统设置或进程之间的信息交换。属性是在整个系统中全局可见的。每个进程可以get/set属性。 在系统...
Every property has a name and value. Both name and value are text strings. Property is heavily used in Android to record system setting or exchange information between processes...
在 Android 中,如果要使用系统限制的权限(比如 android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS),我们需要把程序安装到 /system/app/ 下。 下面以 SecureSetting.apk 为例,演示这个操作。需要...
Add new target Overview The article describes how to create a target for your own device under Android-x86. Rewritten from the e-mail Chih-wei Huang sent to android-x86 discussi...
error message: sdk/platforms/android-8/tools/aapt": java.io.IOException: error=2, No such file or directory solve: The problem seemed to be that the Android executables requires...
// FIXME: It looks like outInfo.lowMemory does not work well as we expected. // after run command: adb shell fillup -p 100, outInfo.lowMemory is still false. private sta...
Ubuntu 12.04(64位)下载并编译 Android 4.1 源码[只有2条命令] ==================================================== $ sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-e...
可以访问 market.android.com,但是 source.android.com 和 developer.android.com 都上不去。是不是 android网络资源的部分服务器和 youtube是同一ip地址段?难道又是被zf的 Great Firewall...