
2010/04/27 15:08
阅读数 511

    翻译:红猎人 (zengsai@gmail.com)

Properties of types and values

Two types are either identical or different, and they are either compatible or incompatible. Identical types are always compatible, but compatible types need not be identical.


Type identity and compatibility

Type identity

Two named types are identical if their type names originate in the same type declaration (§Declarations and scope). A named and an unnamed type are never identical. Two unnamed types are identical if the corresponding type literals have the same literal structure and corresponding components have identical types. In detail:

Two array types are identical if they have identical element types and the same array length.
Two slice types are identical if they have identical element types.
Two struct types are identical if they have the same sequence of fields, and if corresponding fields have the same names and identical types. Two anonymous fields are considered to have the same name.
Two pointer types are identical if they have identical base types.
Two function types are identical if they have the same number of parameters and result values and if corresponding parameter and result types are identical. All "..." parameters without a specified type are defined to have identical type. All "..." parameters with specified identical type T are defined to have identical type. Parameter and result names are not required to match.
Two interface types are identical if they have the same set of methods with the same names and identical function types. The order of the methods is irrelevant.
Two map types are identical if they have identical key and value types.
Two channel types are identical if they have identical value types and the same direction.

如果两个 map 有相同的键值类型,那么它们是相同的。
如果两个 channel 有相同的值类型并且方向相同,那么它们是相同的。

Type compatibility

Type compatibility is less stringent than type identity: a named and an unnamed type are compatible if the respective type literals are compatible. In all other respects, the definition of type compatibility is the same as for type identity listed above but with ``compatible'' substituted for ``identical''.

Given the declarations

type (
T0 []string
T1 []string
T2 struct { a, b int }
T3 struct { a, c int }
T4 func(int, float) *T0
T5 func(x int, y float) *[]string
these types are identical:

T0 and T0
[]int and []int
struct { a, b *T5 } and struct { a, b *T5 }
func(x int, y float) *[]string and func(int, float) (result *[]string)
T0 and T1 are neither identical nor compatible because they are named types with distinct declarations.
T0 和 T1 不再是相同的类型,也不再兼容,因为它们被声明为不同的类型名。

These types are compatible:

T0 and T0
T0 and []string
T3 and struct { a int; c int }
T4 and func(x int, y float) *[]string
T2 and struct { a, c int } are incompatible because they have different field names.
T2 和 struct { a, c int } 不兼容,因为它们有成员名称不同。

Assignment compatibility

A value v of static type V is assignment compatible with a type T if one or more of the following conditions applies:
如果满足以下条件,那么 V 类型的变量 v 可以与 T 类型变量 赋值相容(即可以把v赋值给T类型的变量)。

V is compatible with T.
T is an interface type and V implements T.
V is a pointer to an array and T is a slice type with compatible element type and at least one of V or T is unnamed. After assignment, the slice variable refers to the original array; the elements are not copied.
V is a bidirectional channel and T is a channel type with compatible element type and at least one of V or T is unnamed.


If T is a struct type, either all fields of T must be exported, or the assignment must be in the same package in which T is declared. In other words, a struct value can be assigned to a struct variable only if every field of the struct may be legally assigned individually by the program.

An untyped constant v is assignment compatible with type T if v can be represented accurately as a value of type T.

The predeclared identifier nil is assignment compatible with any pointer, function, slice, map, channel, or interface type and represents the zero value for that type.
预定义的标识符 nil 和 任意 pointer, funciton, slice, map, channel, interface 类型赋值相容,它代表那种类型的0值。

Any value may be assigned to the blank identifier.

Comparison compatibility

Except as noted, values of any type may be compared to other values of compatible static type. Values of integer, floating-point, and string type may be compared using the full range of comparison operators; booleans and complex values may be compared only for equality or inequality.

Values of composite type may be compared for equality or inequality using the == and != operators, with the following provisos:
合成类型的值可以通过 == 和 != 来比较是否相等,但要注意以下情况:

Arrays and structs may not be compared to anything.

A slice value may only be compared explicitly against nil. A slice value is equal to nil if it has been assigned the explicit value nil, if it is uninitialized, or if it has been assigned another slice value equal to nil?
切片只能和nil比较。如果一个切片被赋值为 nil或它没有初始化或它被赋值一个变量而且那个变量的值为nil,那么这个切片的就与 nil相等。

An interface value is equal to nil if it has been assigned the explicit value nil, if it is uninitialized, or if it has been assigned another interface value equal to nil.

For types that can be compared to nil, two values of the same type are equal if they both equal nil, unequal if one equals nil and one does not.
对所有能和 nil 比较,当且仅当有相同类型两个值都等nil时,它们才相等,如果一个为nil另一个不是,那么它们不相等。

Pointer values are equal if they point to the same location.

Function values are equal if they refer to the same function.

Channel and map values are equal if they were created by the same call to make (§Making slices, maps, and channels). When comparing two values of channel type, the channel value types must be compatible but the channel direction is ignored.

Interface values may be compared if they have compatible static types. They will be equal only if they have the same dynamic type and the underlying values are equal.
接口可以和兼容的静态接口进行比较。如果它们有相同的动态类型并且它们的值是相等的。 阅读全文
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