高手问答 是开源中国针对行业特定技术问题发起的专家问答。
使用 Gnu Global 来索引C++代码时,会发现定义在 .h文件中的class不能被索引,下面找到一个解决方法: TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2011 GNU Global does not recognize C++ classes By default, GNU...
今天同事问到一个问题 -16 | 12 等于多少? 从教材中知道,二进制数的第一位是符号位,正数为0,负数为1,再根据取反的定义可得到如下算式(假设整形是占四位): (-64)10 | (12)10 = (...
1)auto 这个关键字用于声明变量的生存期为自动,即将不在任何类、结构、枚举、联合和函数中定义的变量视为全局变量,而在函数中定义的变量视为局部变量。这个关键字不怎么多写,因为所有的变...
Ask: What is the difference between : VARIABLE = value VARIABLE ?= value VARIABLE := value VARIABLE += value I have read the section in GNU Make's manual, but it still ...
一般人不知道的东西:来自 城市猎人 实为printf 函数的拓展应用 可设置字背景颜色;字体颜色m字符串 int ESC =27; ptintf("%c[参数",ESC); //cusor_ctrl.h #ifndef __CUSOR_CTRL_H_ #define ...
C++ warning: control reaches end of non-void function REASONS: this warning indicate that you forgot the return statement in a non-void function....
A simple c++ class, Contain three file: /* * Tree.h * * Created on: Aug 23, 2009 * Author: sai */ #ifndef TREE_H_ #define TREE_H_ #include using namespace std; c...
When I building file: ../src/Tree.h, I got this error: ERROR:../src/Tree.h:22: error: non-member function ‘std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Tree&)’ cannot have cv...
const Saying const as part of variable's difinition promises that we are not going to change the value of the variable at the rest of its lifetime. We say that a variable is con...
Writing the value of std::endl to output stream have two function: First: Ends the line of output. Second: Flushes the buffer, which forces the system to write to the output str...
First, the buffer might be full, in which case the library will flush it automatically. Second, the library might be asked to read from the standard input stream. in that case, ...