高手问答 是开源中国针对行业特定技术问题发起的专家问答。
Middleware对POSIX提供的标准计时器API进行封装,主要提供了两种类型的时钟的封装。一种是CLOCK_REALTIME,另一种是CLOCK_MONOTONIC。对与man手册的解释是: CLOCK_REALTIME: Systemwide r...
Q: On my laptop I am getting "error: no video mode activated." message from grub on system boot (in standard VGA mode). A: I was finally able to workaround the problem here. The...
使用VIM就像是在使用“动词 修饰词 对象”方式的缩写来跟你的编辑器对话。 动词有:v(visual 视图), c(change 修改), d(delete 删除), y(yank/copy 拷贝), 这些最重要的,当然还有其它的。 ...
Extending the Android Application class and dealing with Singleton In this post I’m going to show the basic steps to extend the Android Application class and I’m also going to...
-- Receivers always block until there is data to receive. -- If the channel is unbuffered, the sender blocks until the receiver has received the value. -- If the channel has a b...
Event dispatching is relatively simple. There are two major models: - Focus-based dispatching is used for key events and trackball events. - Position-based dispatching is used f...
在Linux shell 中启动图形界面的应用(如eclipse),会遇到一个麻烦:即当不小心关闭或退出shell时,在该shell中启动的程序也会被结束。这在有些情况下是我们不想看到的。我希望可以在shell...
编译 sdk 时,先运行 lunch sdk-eng,不然编译会出错,形如: development/build/sdk.atree:229: couldn't locate source file: framework/layoutlib-tests.jar lunch 的自动不全中没有 sdk-...
Most lines will normally have an actual assembly language instruction, to be converted by the tool into its binary equivalent, but can also be a directive which tells the assemb...
字符编码的问题看似很小,经常被技术人员忽视,但是很容易导致一些莫名其妙的问题。这里总结了一下字符编码的一些普及性的知识,希望对大家有所帮助。 还是得从ASCII码说起 说到字符编码,不...