GN的使用 - GN工具

2016/08/03 17:49
阅读数 3.6W

GN的使用 - GN工具


gn args



这个工具给用户提供一个接口,来对构建进行整体的配置。如在Chromium Android编译指南中,为Android版chromium做编译配置时,所执行的命令:

buildtools/linux64/gn args out/Default


target_os = "android"
target_cpu = "arm"  # (default)
is_debug = true  # (default)
# Other args you may want to set:
is_component_build = true
is_clang = true
symbol_level = 1  # Faster build with fewer symbols. -g1 rather than -g2
enable_incremental_javac = true  # Much faster; experimental





$ buildtools/linux64/gn args --list out/Default/

aec_debug_dump  Default = false
    Outputs some low-level debug files.

aec_untrusted_delay_for_testing  Default = false
    Disables the usual mode where we trust the reported system delay
    values the AEC receives. The corresponding define is set appropriately
    in the code, but it can be force-enabled here for testing.

allow_posix_link_time_opt  Default = false

android_channel  Default = "default"
    The channel to build on Android: stable, beta, dev, canary, work, or
    default. "default" should be used on non-official builds.

android_default_version_code  Default = "1"
    Android versionCode for android_apk()s that don't expclitly set one.

android_default_version_name  Default = "Developer Build"
    Android versionName for android_apk()s that don't expclitly set one.

android_full_debug  Default = false
    Normally, Android builds are lightly optimized, even for debug builds, to
    keep binary size down. Setting this flag to true disables such optimization

android_java_ui  Default = true
    Whether the Java UI is being used (Java infobars and popups, Java native
    settings and first run experience, sign-in etc.).
    Default to true if compiling for android, but allow this being overriden
    through the environment.

android_keystore_name  Default = "chromiumdebugkey"
    The name of the keystore to use for signing builds.

android_keystore_password  Default = "chromium"
    The password for the keystore to use for signing builds.

android_keystore_path  Default = "//build/android/ant/chromium-debug.keystore"
    The path to the keystore to use for signing builds.

android_libcpp_lib_dir  Default = ""
    Libc++ library directory. Override to use a custom libc++ binary.

android_ndk_major_version  Default = "10"

android_ndk_root  Default = "//third_party/android_tools/ndk"

android_ndk_version  Default = "r10e"

android_sdk_build_tools_version  Default = "23.0.1"

android_sdk_root  Default = "//third_party/android_tools/sdk"

android_sdk_version  Default = "23"

arm_float_abi  Default = ""
    The ARM floating point mode. This is either the string "hard", "soft", or
    "softfp". An empty string means to use the default one for the

arm_optionally_use_neon  Default = false
    Whether to enable optional NEON code paths.

arm_tune  Default = ""
    The ARM variant-specific tuning mode. This will be a string like "armv6"
    or "cortex-a15". An empty string means to use the default for the

arm_use_neon  Default = ""
    Whether to use the neon FPU instruction set or not.

arm_use_thumb  Default = true
    Thumb is a reduced instruction set available on some ARM processors that
    has increased code density.

arm_version  Default = 7
    Version of the ARM processor when compiling on ARM. Ignored on non-ARM

asan_globals  Default = true
    Detect overflow/underflow for global objects.
    Android build relies on -Wl,--gc-sections removing unreachable code.
    ASan instrumentation for globals inhibits this and results in a
    library with unresolvable relocations.
    TODO(eugenis): find a way to reenable this.

binutils_path  Default = "../../third_party/binutils/Linux_x64/Release/bin"

blimp_package_name  Default = "org.chromium.blimp"
    Package name used in the manifest for the Blimp APK.

blink_gc_plugin  Default = true
    Set to true to enable the clang plugin that checks the usage of the Blink
    garbage-collection infrastructure during compilation.

blink_gc_plugin_option_do_dump_graph  Default = false
    Set to true to have the clang Blink GC plugin emit class graph (in JSON)
    with typed pointer edges; for debugging or other (internal) uses.

blink_gc_plugin_option_warn_unneeded_finalizer  Default = false
    Set to true to have the clang Blink GC plugin additionally check if
    a class has an empty destructor which would be unnecessarily invoked
    when finalized.

blink_logging_always_on  Default = false
    If true, enables blink logging macros (WTF_LOG and friends) unconditionally.
    When false, blink logging macros are enabled only if assertions are enabled.

build_angle_deqp_tests  Default = false
    Don't build dEQP by default.

build_with_mozilla  Default = false
    Enable to use the Mozilla internal settings.

cc_wrapper  Default = ""
    Set to "ccache", "icecc" or "distcc".  Probably doesn't work on windows.

chrome_pgo_phase  Default = 0
    Specify the current PGO phase, only used for the Windows MSVS build. Here's
    the different values that can be used:
        0 : Means that PGO is turned off.
        1 : Used during the PGI (instrumentation) phase.
        2 : Used during the PGO (optimization) phase.
    TODO(sebmarchand): Add support for the PGU (update) phase.

chrome_public_apk_load_library_from_apk  Default = false

chrome_public_apk_use_chromium_linker  Default = false
    Whether chrome_public_apk should use the crazy linker.

chrome_public_apk_use_relocation_packer  Default = false

clang_base_path  Default = "//third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts"

clang_use_chrome_plugins  Default = true
    Indicates if the build should use the Chrome-specific plugins for enforcing
    coding guidelines, etc. Only used when compiling with Clang.

clang_version  Default = "3.9.0"
    Clang compiler version. Clang files are placed at version-dependent paths.

cld2_table_size  Default = 0

compile_credentials  Default = false

compile_suid_client  Default = false

concurrent_links  Default = -1
    Limit the number of concurrent links; we often want to run fewer
    links at once than we do compiles, because linking is memory-intensive.
    The default to use varies by platform and by the amount of memory
    available, so we call out to a script to get the right value.

content_shell_product_name  Default = "Content Shell"

content_shell_version  Default = ""

current_cpu  Default = ""
    (Internally set; try `gn help current_cpu`.)

current_os  Default = ""
    (Internally set; try `gn help current_os`.)

custom_toolchain  Default = ""
    Allows the path to a custom target toolchain to be injected as a single
    argument, and set as the default toolchain.

dcheck_always_on  Default = false
    Set to true to enable dcheck in Release builds.

debug_devtools  Default = false
    If debug_devtools is set to true, JavaScript files for DevTools are stored
    as is and loaded from disk. Otherwise, a concatenated file is stored in
    resources.pak. It is still possible to load JS files from disk by passing
    --debug-devtools cmdline switch.

disable_brotli_filter  Default = false
    Do not disable brotli filter by default.

disable_display  Default = false
    Set this true for an audio-only Chromecast build.

disable_file_support  Default = false
    Disables support for file URLs.  File URL support requires use of icu.

disable_ftp_support  Default = false

disable_incremental_isolated_processes  Default = false
    Disables process isolation when building _incremental targets.
    Required for Android M+ due to SELinux policies (stronger sandboxing).

disable_libfuzzer  Default = false
    Helper variable for testing builds with disabled libfuzzer.
    Not for client use.

disable_precompiled_headers  Default = false
    Normally we try to decide whether to use precompiled headers or
    not based on the other build arguments, but in some cases it is
    easiest to force them off explicitly.

emma_coverage  Default = false
    Enables EMMA Java code coverage. Instruments classes during build to
    produce .ec files during runtime

emma_filter  Default = ""
    EMMA filter string consisting of a list of inclusion/exclusion patterns
    separated with whitespace and/or comma. Only has effect if

enable_ac3_eac3_audio_demuxing  Default = false
    Enables AC3/EAC3 audio demuxing. This is enabled only on Chromecast, since
    it only provides demuxing, and is only useful for AC3/EAC3 audio
    pass-through to HDMI sink on Chromecast.

enable_all_proguard_optimizations  Default = false
    Enables all ProGuard optimizations. These optimizations must not be
    enabled for instrumentation tests, since they cause code required by the
    tests to be removed.
    TODO(smaier): when buildbots get updated to set this flag, change the
    default to is_official_build

enable_app_list  Default = false

enable_background  Default = false
    Enables support for background apps.

enable_basic_printing  Default = true
    Enable basic printing support and UI.

enable_blimp_client  Default = false
    Enables the blimp client. This is required to get the actual implementation
    of blimp.
    By default, only a dummy-implementation is provided.

enable_browser_cdms  Default = false
    Enables browser side Content Decryption Modules. Required for embedders
    (e.g. Android and ChromeCast) that use a browser side CDM.

enable_captive_portal_detection  Default = true

enable_clipboard_aurax11  Default = false
    Allow aura to access x11 clipboard.

enable_debugallocation  Default = true
    Provide a way to force disable debugallocation in Debug builds,
    e.g. for profiling (it's more rare to profile Debug builds,
    but people sometimes need to do that).

enable_extensions  Default = true

enable_full_stack_frames_for_profiling  Default = false
    Compile in such a way as to make it possible for the profiler to unwind full
    stack frames. Setting this flag has a large effect on the performance of the
    generated code than just setting profiling, but gives the profiler more
    information to analyze.
    Requires profiling to be set to true.

enable_google_now  Default = false
    Google Now is disabled to prepare for its removal.

enable_hangout_services_extension  Default = false
    Hangout services is an extension that adds extra features to Hangouts.
    For official GYP builds, this flag is set.

enable_hevc_demuxing  Default = false
    Enable HEVC/H265 demuxing. Actual decoding must be provided by the
    platform. Enable by default for Chromecast.

enable_hotwording  Default = false
    'Ok Google' hotwording is disabled by default. Set to true to enable. (This
    will download a closed-source NaCl module at startup.) Chrome-branded
    ChromeOS builds have this enabled by default.

enable_incremental_dx  Default = true
    Speed up dexing using dx --incremental.

enable_incremental_javac  Default = false
    Speed up incremental compiles by compiling only changed files.

enable_internal_app_remoting_targets  Default = false
    Set this to enable building internal AppRemoting apps.

enable_ipc_fuzzer  Default = false

enable_iterator_debugging  Default = true
    When set (the default) enables C++ iterator debugging in debug builds.
    Iterator debugging is always off in release builds (technically, this flag
    affects the "debug" config, which is always available but applied by
    default only in debug builds).
    Iterator debugging is generally useful for catching bugs. But it can
    introduce extra locking to check the state of an iterator against the state
    of the current object. For iterator- and thread-heavy code, this can
    significantly slow execution.

enable_leakcanary  Default = false

enable_mdns  Default = true
    Multicast DNS.

enable_media_router  Default = true
    Enables the Media Router.

enable_mojo_media  Default = true
    Experiment to enable mojo media services (e.g. "renderer", "cdm", see
    |mojo_media_services|). When enabled, selected mojo paths will be enabled in
    the media pipeline and corresponding services will hosted in the selected
    remote process (e.g. "utility" process, see |mojo_media_host|).

enable_mse_mpeg2ts_stream_parser  Default = false

enable_nacl  Default = true
    Enables Native Client support.
    Temporarily disable nacl on arm64 linux to get rid of compilation errors.
    TODO(mcgrathr): When mipsel-nacl-clang is available, drop the exclusion.

enable_nocompile_tests  Default = false
    TODO( Disabled until is resolved.

enable_oilpan  Default = true
    Enables the Oilpan garbage-collection infrastructure.

enable_one_click_signin  Default = false

enable_package_mash_services  Default = false
    Set to true to bundle all the mash related mojo services into chrome.
    Specify --mash to chrome to have chrome start the mash environment.

enable_pdf  Default = true

enable_plugin_installation  Default = false

enable_plugins  Default = true

enable_print_preview  Default = true
    Enable printing with print preview. It does not imply
    enable_basic_printing. It's possible to build Chrome with preview only.

enable_profiling  Default = false
    Compile in such a way as to enable profiling of the generated code. For
    example, don't omit the frame pointer and leave in symbols.

enable_remoting  Default = true

enable_remoting_jscompile  Default = false
    Set this to run the jscompile checks after building the webapp.

enable_resource_whitelist_generation  Default = false
    Enables used resource whitelist generation.

enable_session_service  Default = true
    Enables use of the session service, which is enabled by default.
    Android stores them separately on the Java side.

enable_supervised_users  Default = true

enable_test_mojo_media_client  Default = false
    Enable the TestMojoMediaClient to be used in MojoMediaApplication. This is
    for testing only and will override the default platform MojoMediaClient.

enable_video_hole  Default = false
    Enable hole punching for the protected video.

enable_vulkan  Default = false
    Enable experimental vulkan backend.

enable_wayland_server  Default = false
    Indicates if Wayland display server support is enabled.

enable_webrtc  Default = true
    Enables WebRTC.

enable_websockets  Default = true
    WebSockets and socket stream code are not used on iOS and are optional in

enable_widevine  Default = false
    Allow widevinecdmadapter to be built in Chromium.

enable_wifi_display  Default = false
    Enables Wi-Fi Display functionality
    WARNING: This enables MPEG Transport Stream (MPEG-TS) encoding!

exclude_unwind_tables  Default = false
    Omit unwind support in official builds to save space.
    We can use breakpad for these builds.

fatal_linker_warnings  Default = true
    Enable fatal linker warnings. Building Chromium with certain versions
    of binutils can cause linker warning.

ffmpeg_branding  Default = "Chromium"
    Controls whether we build the Chromium or Google Chrome version of FFmpeg.
    The Google Chrome version contains additional codecs. Typical values are
    Chromium, Chrome, ChromiumOS, and ChromeOS.

fieldtrial_testing_like_official_build  Default = false
    Set to true make a build that disables activation of field trial tests
    specified in testing/variations/fieldtrial_testing_config_*.json.
    Note: this setting is ignored if is_chrome_branded.

findbugs_verbose  Default = false
    Set to true to enable verbose findbugs logging. This does nothing if
    run_findbugs is false.

full_wpo_on_official  Default = false

gdb_index  Default = false
    If true, gold linker will save symbol table inside object files.
    This speeds up gdb startup by 60%

gold_path  Default = false
    When we are going to use gold we need to find it.
    This is initialized below, after use_gold might have been overridden.

goma_dir  Default = "/home/hanpfei0306/goma"
    Absolute directory containing the Goma source code.

google_api_key  Default = ""
    Set these to bake the specified API keys and OAuth client
    IDs/secrets into your build.
    If you create a build without values baked in, you can instead
    set environment variables to provide the keys at runtime (see
    src/google_apis/google_api_keys.h for details).  Features that
    require server-side APIs may fail to work if no keys are
    Note that if you are building an official build or if
    use_official_google_api_keys has been set to trie (explicitly or
    implicitly), these values will be ignored and the official
    keys will be used instead.

google_default_client_id  Default = ""
    See google_api_key.

google_default_client_secret  Default = ""
    See google_api_key.

host_cpu  Default = "x64"
    (Internally set; try `gn help host_cpu`.)

host_os  Default = "linux"
    (Internally set; try `gn help host_os`.)

host_toolchain  Default = ""
    This should not normally be set as a build argument.  It's here so that
    every toolchain can pass through the "global" value via toolchain_args().

icu_use_data_file  Default = true
    Tells icu to load an external data file rather than rely on the icudata
    being linked directly into the binary.
    This flag is a bit confusing. As of this writing, icu.gyp set the value to
    0 but common.gypi sets the value to 1 for most platforms (and the 1 takes
    TODO(GYP) We'll probably need to enhance this logic to set the value to
    true or false in similar circumstances.

is_asan  Default = false
    Compile for Address Sanitizer to find memory bugs.

is_cast_desktop_build  Default = false
    True if Chromecast build is targeted for linux desktop. This type of build
    is useful for testing and development, but currently supports only a subset
    of Cast functionality. Though this defaults to true for x86 Linux devices,
    this should be overriden manually for an embedded x86 build.
    TODO(slan): Remove instances of this when x86 is a fully supported platform.

is_cfi  Default = false
    Compile with Control Flow Integrity to protect virtual calls and casts.
    TODO(pcc): Remove this flag if/when CFI is enabled in official builds.

is_chrome_branded  Default = false
    Select the desired branding flavor. False means normal Chromium branding,
    true means official Google Chrome branding (requires extra Google-internal

is_chromecast  Default = false
    Set this true for a Chromecast build. Chromecast builds are supported on
    Linux and Android.

is_clang  Default = true
    Set to true when compiling with the Clang compiler. Typically this is used
    to configure warnings.

is_component_build  Default = false
    Component build. Setting to true compiles targets declared as "components"
    as shared libraries loaded dynamically. This speeds up development time.
    When false, components will be linked statically.

is_component_ffmpeg  Default = true
    Set true to build ffmpeg as a shared library. NOTE: this means we should
    always consult is_component_ffmpeg instead of is_component_build for
    ffmpeg targets. This helps linux chromium packagers that swap out our with their own. See discussion here!msg/chromium-packagers/R5rcZXWxBEQ/B6k0zzmJbvcJ

is_debug  Default = true
    Debug build. Enabling official builds automatically sets is_debug to false.

is_desktop_linux  Default = true
    Whether we're a traditional desktop unix.

is_java_debug  Default = true
    Java debug on Android. Having this on enables multidexing, and turning it
    off will enable proguard.

is_lsan  Default = false
    Compile for Leak Sanitizer to find leaks.

is_msan  Default = false
    Compile for Memory Sanitizer to find uninitialized reads.

is_multi_dll_chrome  Default = false
    Break chrome.dll into multple pieces based on process type. Only available
    on Windows.

is_nacl_glibc  Default = false
    Native Client supports both Newlib and Glibc C libraries where Newlib
    is assumed to be the default one; use this to determine whether Glibc
    is being used instead.

is_official_build  Default = false
    Set to enable the official build level of optimization. This has nothing
    to do with branding, but enables an additional level of optimization above
    release (!is_debug). This might be better expressed as a tri-state
    (debug, release, official) but for historical reasons there are two
    separate flags.

is_syzyasan  Default = false
    Enable building with SyzyAsan which can find certain types of memory
    errors. Only works on Windows. See

is_tsan  Default = false
    Compile for Thread Sanitizer to find threading bugs.

is_ubsan  Default = false
    Compile for Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer to find various types of
    undefined behaviour (excludes vptr checks).

is_ubsan_no_recover  Default = false
    Halt the program if a problem is detected.

is_ubsan_null  Default = false
    Compile for Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer's null pointer checks.

is_ubsan_security  Default = false
    Enables core ubsan security features. Will later be removed once it matches

is_ubsan_vptr  Default = false
    Compile for Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer's vptr checks.

is_win_fastlink  Default = false
    Tell VS to create a PDB that references information in .obj files rather
    than copying it all. This should improve linker performance. mspdbcmf.exe
    can be used to convert a fastlink pdb to a normal one.

link_pulseaudio  Default = false
    Allows distributions to link pulseaudio directly (DT_NEEDED) instead of
    using dlopen. This helps with automated detection of ABI mismatches and
    prevents silent errors.

linux_use_bundled_binutils  Default = true

llvm_force_head_revision  Default = false
    If this is set to true, or if LLVM_FORCE_HEAD_REVISION is set to 1
    in the environment, we use the revision in the llvm repo to determine
    the CLANG_REVISION to use, instead of the version hard-coded into
    //tools/clang/scripts/ This should only be used in
    conjunction with setting LLVM_FORCE_HEAD_REVISION in the
    environment when `gclient runhooks` is run as well.

mac_views_browser  Default = false
    Whether the entire browser uses toolkit-views on Mac instead of Cocoa.

media_use_ffmpeg  Default = true
    Enable usage of FFmpeg within the media library. Used for most software
    based decoding, demuxing, and sometimes optimized FFTs. If disabled,
    implementors must provide their own demuxers and decoders.

media_use_libvpx  Default = true
    Enable usage of libvpx within the media library. Used for software based
    decoding of VP9 and VP8A type content.

metrics_use_blimp  Default = false
    Overrides os name in uma metrics log to "Blimp".

mojo_media_host  Default = "gpu"

mojo_media_services  Default = ["cdm", "audio_decoder"]

msan_track_origins  Default = 2
    Track where uninitialized memory originates from. From fastest to slowest:
    0 - no tracking, 1 - track only the initial allocation site, 2 - track the
    chain of stores leading from allocation site to use site.

openmax_big_float_fft  Default = true
    Override this value to build with small float FFT tables

optimize_for_size  Default = false
    If true, optimize for size. Does not affect windows builds.
    Linux & Mac favor speed over size.
    TODO(brettw) it's weird that Mac and desktop Linux are different. We should
    explore favoring size over speed in this case as well.

override_build_date  Default = "N/A"
    Override this value to give a specific build date.
    See //base/ and //build/ for more
    details and the expected format.

ozone_auto_platforms  Default = false
    Select platforms automatically. Turn this off for manual control.

ozone_platform  Default = ""
    The platform that will be active by default.

ozone_platform_caca  Default = false
    Enable individual platforms.

ozone_platform_cast  Default = false

ozone_platform_gbm  Default = false

ozone_platform_headless  Default = false

ozone_platform_wayland  Default = false

ozone_platform_x11  Default = false

packages_directory  Default = "Packages"
    Service package directories are created within this subdirectory.

pkg_config  Default = ""
    A pkg-config wrapper to call instead of trying to find and call the right
    pkg-config directly. Wrappers like this are common in cross-compilation
    Leaving it blank defaults to searching PATH for 'pkg-config' and relying on
    the sysroot mechanism to find the right .pc files.

proguard_verbose  Default = false
    Enables verbose proguard output (summaries and unfiltered output).

proprietary_codecs  Default = false
    Enables proprietary codecs and demuxers; e.g. H264, AAC, MP3, and MP4.
    We always build Google Chrome and Chromecast with proprietary codecs.

remoting_enable_cardboard  Default = false
    Set this to enable Android Chromoting Cardboard Activity.

remove_webcore_debug_symbols  Default = false
    If true, doesn't compile debug symbols into webcore reducing the
    size of the binary and increasing the speed of gdb.

repack_whitelist  Default = ""
    Absolute path to a resource whitelist (generated using

root_extra_deps  Default = []
    A list of extra dependencies to add to the root target. This allows a
    checkout to add additional targets without explicitly changing any checked-
    in files.

rtc_build_expat  Default = true
    Disable these to not build components which can be externally provided.

rtc_build_json  Default = true

rtc_build_libevent  Default = true

rtc_build_libjpeg  Default = true

rtc_build_libsrtp  Default = true

rtc_build_libvpx  Default = true

rtc_build_libyuv  Default = true

rtc_build_openmax_dl  Default = true

rtc_build_opus  Default = true

rtc_build_ssl  Default = true

rtc_build_usrsctp  Default = true

rtc_build_with_neon  Default = true

rtc_desktop_capture_supported  Default = false
    Desktop capturer is supported only on Windows, OSX and Linux.

rtc_enable_android_opensl  Default = false

rtc_enable_bwe_test_logging  Default = false
    Set this to true to enable BWE test logging.

rtc_enable_data_logging  Default = false
    Enable data logging. Produces text files with data logged within engines
    which can be easily parsed for offline processing.

rtc_enable_libevent  Default = true

rtc_enable_protobuf  Default = true
    Enables the use of protocol buffers for debug recordings.

rtc_have_dbus_glib  Default = false
    Disable by default.

rtc_include_ilbc  Default = false
    Include the iLBC audio codec?

rtc_include_opus  Default = true
    Disable this to avoid building the Opus audio codec.

rtc_initialize_ffmpeg  Default = false
    FFmpeg must be initialized for |H264DecoderImpl| to work. This can be done
    by WebRTC during |H264DecoderImpl::InitDecode| or externally. FFmpeg must
    only be initialized once. Projects that initialize FFmpeg externally, such
    as Chromium, must turn this flag off so that WebRTC does not also

rtc_jsoncpp_root  Default = "//third_party/jsoncpp/source/include"
    Used to specify an external Jsoncpp include path when not compiling the
    library that comes with WebRTC (i.e. rtc_build_json == 0).

rtc_libvpx_build_vp9  Default = true

rtc_prefer_fixed_point  Default = true

rtc_relative_path  Default = true
    Disable to use absolute header paths for some libraries.

rtc_restrict_logging  Default = true

rtc_sanitize_coverage  Default = ""
    Set to "func", "block", "edge" for coverage generation.
    At unit test runtime set UBSAN_OPTIONS="coverage=1".
    It is recommend to set include_examples=0.
    Use llvm's sancov -html-report for human readable reports.
    See .

rtc_ssl_root  Default = ""
    Used to specify an external OpenSSL include path when not compiling the
    library that comes with WebRTC (i.e. rtc_build_ssl == 0).

rtc_use_gtk  Default = false
    Build sources requiring GTK. NOTICE: This is not present in Chrome OS
    build environments, even if available for Chromium builds.

rtc_use_h264  Default = false
    Enable this to build OpenH264 encoder/FFmpeg decoder. This is supported on
    all platforms except Android and iOS. Because FFmpeg can be built
    with/without H.264 support, |ffmpeg_branding| has to separately be set to a
    value that includes H.264, for example "Chrome". If FFmpeg is built without
    H.264, compilation succeeds but |H264DecoderImpl| fails to initialize. See
    also: |rtc_initialize_ffmpeg|.

rtc_use_lto  Default = false
    Link-Time Optimizations.
    Executes code generation at link-time instead of compile-time.

rtc_use_objc_h264  Default = false
    Enable this to use HW H.264 encoder/decoder on iOS PeerConnections.
    Enabling this may break interop with Android clients that support H264.

rtc_use_openmax_dl  Default = true

rtc_use_quic  Default = false
    Determines whether QUIC code will be built.

run_findbugs  Default = false
    Set to true to run findbugs on JAR targets.

safe_browsing_mode  Default = 1

sanitizer_coverage_flags  Default = ""
    Value for -fsanitize-coverage flag. Setting this causes
    use_sanitizer_coverage to be enabled.
    Default value when unset and use_afl=true:
    Default value when unset and use_sanitizer_coverage=true:

skia_build_no_opts  Default = false
    TODO( Once GYP is no longer supported, port iOS to use
    optimised skia.

skia_whitelist_serialized_typefaces  Default = false

symbol_level  Default = -1
    How many symbols to include in the build. This affects the performance of
    the build since the symbols are large and dealing with them is slow.
      2 means regular build with symbols.
      1 means minimal symbols, usually enough for backtraces only.
      0 means no symbols.
      -1 means auto-set according to debug/release and platform.

system_libdir  Default = "lib"
    CrOS systemroots place pkgconfig files at <systemroot>/usr/share/pkgconfig
    and one of <systemroot>/usr/lib/pkgconfig or <systemroot>/usr/lib64/pkgconfig
    depending on whether the systemroot is for a 32 or 64 bit architecture.
    When build under GYP, CrOS board builds specify the 'system_libdir' variable
    as part of the GYP_DEFINES provided by the CrOS emerge build or simple
    chrome build scheme. This variable permits controlling this for GN builds
    in similar fashion by setting the `system_libdir` variable in the build's file to 'lib' or 'lib64' as appropriate for the target architecture.

system_webview_package_name  Default = ""
    Package name of the system_webview_apk target.

syzygy_optimize  Default = false
    Generate Syzygy optimized binaries. Syzygy optimize mode is a profile
    guided optimization that reorders code for better locality.

target_cpu  Default = ""
    (Internally set; try `gn help target_cpu`.)

target_os  Default = ""
    (Internally set; try `gn help target_os`.)

target_sysroot  Default = ""
    The absolute path of the sysroot that is applied when compiling using
    the target toolchain.

target_sysroot_dir  Default = ""
    The absolute path to directory containing sysroots for linux 32 and 64bit

toolkit_views  Default = true

treat_warnings_as_errors  Default = true
    Default to warnings as errors for default workflow, where we catch
    warnings with known toolchains. Allow overriding this e.g. for Chromium
    builds on Linux that could use a different version of the compiler.
    With GCC, warnings in no-Chromium code are always not treated as errors.

use_afl  Default = false
    Compile for fuzzing with AFL.

use_allocator  Default = "tcmalloc"
    Memory allocator to use. Set to "none" to use default allocator.

use_alsa  Default = false
    Enables runtime selection of ALSA library for audio.

use_ash  Default = false
    Indicates if Ash is enabled. Ash is the Aura Shell which provides a
    desktop-like environment for Aura. Requires use_aura = true

use_aura  Default = true
    Indicates if Aura is enabled. Aura is a low-level windowing library, sort
    of a replacement for GDI or GTK.

use_base_test_suite  Default = false
    On Android, use plain GTest.

use_cfi_cast  Default = false
    Enable checks for bad casts: derived cast and unrelated cast.
    TODO(krasin): remove this, when we're ready to add these checks by default.

use_cfi_diag  Default = false
    By default, Control Flow Integrity will crash the program if it detects a
    violation. Set this to true to print detailed diagnostics instead.

use_cras  Default = false
    Override to dynamically link the cras (ChromeOS audio) library.

use_cups  Default = true

use_custom_libcxx  Default = false

use_dbus  Default = true

use_debug_fission  Default = "default"
    use_debug_fission: whether to use split DWARF debug info
    files. This can reduce link time significantly, but is incompatible
    with some utilities such as icecc and ccache. Requires gold and
    gcc >= 4.8 or clang.
    This is a placeholder value indicating that the code below should set
    the default.  This is necessary to delay the evaluation of the default
    value expression until after its input values such as use_gold have
    been set, e.g. by a toolchain_args() block.

use_drfuzz  Default = false
    Compile for fuzzing with Dr. Fuzz

use_errorprone_java_compiler  Default = false
    Set to true to enable the Errorprone compiler

use_experimental_allocator_shim  Default = true
    TODO(primiano): this should just become the default without having a flag,
    but we need to get there first. .
    Causes all the allocations to be routed via

use_external_popup_menu  Default = false
    Whether or not to use external popup menu.

use_gconf  Default = true
    Option controlling the use of GConf (the classic GNOME configuration

use_gio  Default = true

use_glib  Default = true
    Whether we should use glib, a low level C utility library.

use_gold  Default = true
    Whether to use the gold linker from binutils instead of lld or bfd.

use_goma  Default = false
    Set to true to enable distributed compilation using Goma.

use_gtk3  Default = false
    Whether we should use GTKv3 instead of GTKv2.

use_kerberos  Default = true
    Enable Kerberos authentication. It is disabled by default on ChromeOS, iOS,
    Chromecast, at least for now. This feature needs configuration (krb5.conf
    and so on).

use_libfuzzer  Default = false
    Compile for fuzzing with LLVM LibFuzzer.

use_libjpeg_turbo  Default = true
    Uses libjpeg_turbo as the jpeg implementation. Has no effect if
    use_system_libjpeg is set.

use_libpci  Default = false
    Use the PCI lib to collect GPU information on Linux.

use_lld  Default = false
    Set to true to use lld, the LLVM linker. This flag may be used on Windows
    with the shipped LLVM toolchain, or on Linux with a self-built top-of-tree
    LLVM toolchain (see llvm_force_head_revision in

use_locally_built_instrumented_libraries  Default = false
    Use dynamic libraries instrumented by one of the sanitizers instead of the
    standard system libraries. Set this flag to build the libraries from source.

use_low_memory_buffer  Default = false
    Use low-memory buffers on non-Android builds of Chromecast.

use_low_quality_image_interpolation  Default = true
    If true, defaults image interpolation to low quality.

use_official_google_api_keys  Default = ""
    You can set the variable 'use_official_google_api_keys' to true
    to use the Google-internal file containing official API keys
    for Google Chrome even in a developer build.  Setting this
    variable explicitly to true will cause your build to fail if the
    internal file is missing.
    The variable is documented here, but not handled in this file;
    see //google_apis/determine_use_official_keys.gypi for the
    Set the variable to false to not use the internal file, even when
    it exists in your checkout.
    Leave it unset or set to "" to have the variable
    implicitly set to true if you have
    src/google_apis/internal/google_chrome_api_keys.h in your
    checkout, and implicitly set to false if not.
    Note that official builds always behave as if the variable
    was explicitly set to true, i.e. they always use official keys,
    and will fail to build if the internal file is missing.

use_openh264  Default = false
    Enable this to build OpenH264 (for encoding, not decoding).

use_order_profiling  Default = false
    Adds intrumentation to each function. Writes a file with the order that
    functions are called at startup.

use_ozone  Default = false
    Indicates if Ozone is enabled. Ozone is a low-level library layer for Linux
    that does not require X11. Enabling this feature disables use of glib, x11,
    Pango, and Cairo. Default to false on non-Chromecast builds.

use_platform_icu_alternatives  Default = false
    Enables the use of ICU alternatives in lieu of ICU. The flag is used
    for Cronet to reduce the size of the Cronet binary.

use_prebuilt_instrumented_libraries  Default = false
    Use dynamic libraries instrumented by one of the sanitizers instead of the
    standard system libraries. Set this flag to download prebuilt binaries from

use_pulseaudio  Default = false
    Enables runtime selection of PulseAudio library.

use_sanitizer_coverage  Default = false

use_srtp_boringssl  Default = true

use_sysroot  Default = true

use_system_harfbuzz  Default = false
    Blink uses a cutting-edge version of Harfbuzz; most Linux distros do not
    contain a new enough version of the code to work correctly. However,
    ChromeOS chroots (i.e, real ChromeOS builds for devices) do contain a
    new enough version of the library, and so this variable exists so that
    ChromeOS can build against the system lib and keep binary sizes smaller.

use_system_libjpeg  Default = false
    Uses system libjpeg. If true, overrides use_libjpeg_turbo.

use_system_sqlite  Default = false
    Controls whether the build should uses the version of sqlite3 library
    shipped with the system (currently only supported on iOS) or the one
    shipped with Chromium source.

use_udev  Default = true
    libudev usage. This currently only affects the content layer.

use_unofficial_version_number  Default = true

use_v4l2_codec  Default = false
    Indicates if Video4Linux2 codec is used. This is used for all CrOS
    platforms which have v4l2 hardware encoder / decoder.

use_v4lplugin  Default = false
    Indicates if V4L plugin is used.

use_vgem_map  Default = false
    This enables memory-mapped access to accelerated graphics buffers via the
    VGEM ("virtual GEM") driver. This is currently only available on Chrome OS
    kernels and affects code in the GBM ozone platform.
    TODO(dshwang): remove this flag when all gbm hardware supports vgem map.

use_vulcanize  Default = true
    Use vulcanized HTML/CSS/JS resources to speed up WebUI (chrome://)

use_xcode_clang  Default = false
    Compile with Xcode version of clang instead of hermetic version shipped
    with the build. Used on iOS to ship official builds (as they are built
    with the version of clang shipped with Xcode).

use_xkbcommon  Default = false
    Optional system libraries.

v8_can_use_fpu_instructions  Default = true
    Similar to vfp but on MIPS.

v8_current_cpu  Default = "arm"
    This argument is declared here so that it can be overridden in toolchains.
    It should never be explicitly set by the user.

v8_deprecation_warnings  Default = false
    Enable compiler warnings when using V8_DEPRECATED apis.

v8_embed_script  Default = ""
    Embeds the given script into the snapshot.

v8_enable_backtrace  Default = ""
    Support for backtrace_symbols on linux.

v8_enable_disassembler  Default = ""

v8_enable_gdbjit  Default = ""

v8_enable_handle_zapping  Default = true

v8_enable_i18n_support  Default = true
    Enable ECMAScript Internationalization API. Enabling this feature will
    add a dependency on the ICU library.

v8_enable_slow_dchecks  Default = false
    Enable slow dchecks.

v8_enable_verify_heap  Default = false

v8_gcmole  Default = false
    Indicate if gcmole was fetched as a hook to make it available on swarming.

v8_has_valgrind  Default = false
    Indicate if valgrind was fetched as a custom deps to make it available on

v8_imminent_deprecation_warnings  Default = ""
    Enable compiler warnings when using V8_DEPRECATE_SOON apis.

v8_interpreted_regexp  Default = false
    Interpreted regexp engine exists as platform-independent alternative
    based where the regular expression is compiled to a bytecode.

v8_object_print  Default = ""
    Sets -dOBJECT_PRINT.

v8_optimized_debug  Default = true
    Turns on compiler optimizations in V8 in Debug build.

v8_postmortem_support  Default = false
    With post mortem support enabled, metadata is embedded into libv8 that
    describes various parameters of the VM for use by debuggers. See
    tools/ for details.

v8_snapshot_toolchain  Default = ""
    The v8 snapshot needs to be built by code that is compiled with a
    toolchain that matches the bit-width of the target CPU, but runs on
    the host.

v8_target_cpu  Default = ""
    This arg is used when we want to tell the JIT-generating v8 code
    that we want to have it generate for an architecture that is different
    than the architecture that v8 will actually run on; we then run the
    code under an emulator. For example, we might run v8 on x86, but
    generate arm code and run that under emulation.
    This arg is defined here rather than in the v8 project because we want
    some of the common architecture-specific args (like arm_float_abi or
    mips_arch_variant) to be set to their defaults either if the current_cpu
    applies *or* if the v8_current_cpu applies.
    As described below, you can also specify the v8_target_cpu to use
    indirectly by specifying a `custom_toolchain` that contains v8_$cpu in the
    name after the normal toolchain.
    For example, `gn gen --args="custom_toolchain=...:clang_x64_v8_arm64"`
    is equivalent to setting --args=`v8_target_cpu="arm64"`. Setting
    `custom_toolchain` is more verbose but makes the toolchain that is
    (effectively) being used explicit.
    v8_target_cpu can only be used to target one architecture in a build,
    so if you wish to build multiple copies of v8 that are targetting
    different architectures, you will need to do something more
    complicated involving multiple toolchains along the lines of
    custom_toolchain, above.

v8_test_isolation_mode  Default = "noop"
    Sets the test isolation mode (noop|prepare|check).

v8_use_external_startup_data  Default = ""
    Use external files for startup data blobs:
    the JS builtins sources and the start snapshot.

v8_use_mips_abi_hardfloat  Default = true
    Similar to the ARM hard float ABI but on MIPS.

v8_use_snapshot  Default = true
    Enable the snapshot feature, for fast context creation.

webapk_background_color  Default = "4291624959L"

webapk_display_mode  Default = "standalone"

webapk_icon_url  Default = ""
    The URL of the app icon. Empty if the app icon is generated.

webapk_manifest_package_origin  Default = "template"
    The origin URL of the WebAPK. Used to generate a unique package name for
    WebAPK. Example: ""

webapk_name  Default = "Longer Sample WebAPK Name"

webapk_orientation  Default = "portrait"

webapk_runtime_host  Default = ""
    The browser that the WebAPK will be bound to.

webapk_scope_url  Default = ""

webapk_scope_url_host  Default = ""
    Host part of |webapk_scope_url|.

webapk_short_name  Default = "Sample WebAPK"

webapk_start_url  Default = ""
    Attributes from Web Manifest.

webapk_theme_color  Default = "4288230399L"

webapk_web_manifest_url  Default = ""
    The Url of the Web Manifest file.

win_console_app  Default = false
    If true, builds as a console app (rather than a windowed app), which allows
    logging to be printed to the user. This will cause a terminal window to pop
    up when the executable is not run from the command line, so should only be
    used for development. Only has an effect on Windows builds.

这个工具的参数为--list [output_dir]。 这个工具展示了每一个标记配置项的名称,默认值,创建该标记配置项的配置文件,以及标记配置项作用的说明。

gn gen

usage:  gn gen [<ide options>] <out_dir>

这个工具根据当前的代码树及配置,产生ninja文件,并把它们放在给定得目录下。输出目录可以是源码库的绝对地址,比如//out/foo,也可以是相对于当前目录的地址,如:out/foo。 上面的gn args <out_dir>等价于,在启动编辑器编辑参数,在编辑器编辑了参数退出之后,执行gn gen <out_dir>

gn clean

usage:  gn clean <out_dir>


gn desc

usage:  gn desc <out_dir> <label or pattern> [<what to show>] [--blame] [--format=json]

显示关于一个给定target或config的信息。构建参数取自给出的<out_dir><label or pattern>可以是一个target标签,一个config标签,或一个标签模式(参考"gn help label_pattern")。标签模式只匹配targets。


$ gn desc out/Default net
$ buildtools/linux64/gn desc out/Default/ net
Target //net:net
Type: shared_library
Toolchain: //build/toolchain/android:clang_arm






  [All headers listed in the sources are public.]

configs (in order applying, try also --tree)

public_configs (in order applying, try also --tree)

all_dependent_configs (in order applying, try also --tree)









Direct dependencies (try also "--all", "--tree", or even "--all --tree")





$ gn desc out/Default //net deps --tree


$ gn desc out/Default //net cflags --blameFrom //build/config/compiler:compiler
     (Added by //build/config/
From //build/config/compiler:compiler_arm_fpu
     (Added by //build/config/
From //build/config/compiler:chromium_code
     (Added by //build/config/
From //build/config/compiler:default_optimization
     (Added by //build/config/
From //build/config/compiler:default_symbols
     (Added by //build/config/
From //build/config/compiler:runtime_library
     (Added by //build/config/
From //build/config/gcc:symbol_visibility_hidden
     (Added by //build/config/
From //build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs
     (Added by //build/config/
From //build/config/clang:extra_warnings
     (Added by //build/config/
From //build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors
     (Added by //net/


gn ls

usage: gn ls <out_dir> [<label_pattern>] [--all-toolchains] [--as=...] [--type=...] [--testonly=...]

这个命令展示给定输出目录下,满足某个模式的所有的targets。默认情况下,只显示默认工具链的target会被匹配,除非明确地提供了工具链参数。如果没有指定标签参数,则显示所有的targets。模式不是常规的正则表达式(可以参考"gn help label_pattern")。

$ gn ls out/Default //net/*


  gn ls out/Debug
      Lists all targets in the default toolchain.

  gn ls out/Debug "//base/*"
      Lists all targets in the directory base and all subdirectories.

  gn ls out/Debug "//base:*"
      Lists all targets defined in //base/

  gn ls out/Debug //base --as=output
      Lists the build output file for //base:base

  gn ls out/Debug --type=executable
      Lists all executables produced by the build.

  gn ls out/Debug "//base/*" --as=output | xargs ninja -C out/Debug
      Builds all targets in //base and all subdirectories.

  gn ls out/Debug //base --all-toolchains
      Lists all variants of the target //base:base (it may be referenced in multiple toolchains).

gn path

usage: gn path <out_dir> <target_one> <target_two>

查找两个taregets之间的依赖路径。Each unique path will be printed in one group, and groups will be separate by newlines. The two targets can appear in either order (paths will be found going in either direction).

By default, a single path will be printed. If there is a path with only public dependencies, the shortest public path will be printed. Otherwise, the shortest path using either public or private dependencies will be printed. If --with-data is specified, data deps will also be considered. If there are multiple shortest paths, an arbitrary one will be selected.

$ gn path out/Default //base //net --all
//net:net --[private]-->

//net:net --[public]-->
//crypto:crypto --[private]-->

//net:net --[public]-->
//url:url --[private]-->

//net:net --[private]-->
//components/prefs:prefs --[private]-->

//net:net --[private]-->
//sdch:sdch --[private]-->

//net:net --[private]-->
//base:i18n --[private]-->

6 "interesting" non-data paths found. 0 of them are public.

gn refs

gn refs <out_dir> (<label_pattern>|<label>|<file>|@<response_file>)* [--all] [--all-toolchains] [--as=...] [--testonly=...] [--type=...]


  • Target标签
  • Config标签
  • 标签模式
  • 文件名
  • 响应文件


$ gn refs out/Default //net:net


  gn refs out/Debug //tools/gn:gn
      Find all targets depending on the given exact target name.

  gn refs out/Debug //base:i18n --as=buildfiles | xargs gvim
      Edit all .gn files containing references to //base:i18n

  gn refs out/Debug //base --all
      List all targets depending directly or indirectly on //base:base.

  gn refs out/Debug "//base/*"
      List all targets depending directly on any target in //base or its subdirectories.

  gn refs out/Debug "//base:*"
      List all targets depending directly on any target in //base/

  gn refs out/Debug //base --tree
      Print a reverse dependency tree of //base:base

  gn refs out/Debug //base/macros.h
      Print target(s) listing //base/macros.h as a source.

  gn refs out/Debug //base/macros.h --tree
      Display a reverse dependency tree to get to the given file. This will show how dependencies will reference that file.

  gn refs out/Debug //base/macros.h //base/at_exit.h --all
      Display all unique targets with some dependency path to a target containing either of the given files as a source.

  gn refs out/Debug //base/macros.h --testonly=true --type=executable --all --as=output
      Display the executable file names of all test executables potentially affected by a change to the given file.

gn check

gn check <out_dir> [<label_pattern>] [--force]


$ gn check out/Default/ net
Header dependency check OK

gn help


$ gn help
Commands (type "gn help <command>" for more details):
  args: Display or configure arguments declared by the build.
  check: Check header dependencies.
  clean: Cleans the output directory.
  desc: Show lots of insightful information about a target or config.
  format: Format .gn file.
  gen: Generate ninja files.
  help: Does what you think.
  ls: List matching targets.
  path: Find paths between two targets.
  refs: Find stuff referencing a target or file.

Target declarations (type "gn help <function>" for more details):
  action: Declare a target that runs a script a single time.
  action_foreach: Declare a target that runs a script over a set of files.
  bundle_data: [iOS/OS X] Declare a target without output.
  copy: Declare a target that copies files.
  create_bundle: [iOS/OS X] Build an OS X / iOS bundle.
  executable: Declare an executable target.
  group: Declare a named group of targets.
  loadable_module: Declare a loadable module target.
  shared_library: Declare a shared library target.
  source_set: Declare a source set target.
  static_library: Declare a static library target.
  target: Declare an target with the given programmatic type.

Buildfile functions (type "gn help <function>" for more details):
  assert: Assert an expression is true at generation time.
  config: Defines a configuration object.
  declare_args: Declare build arguments.
  defined: Returns whether an identifier is defined.
  exec_script: Synchronously run a script and return the output.
  foreach: Iterate over a list.
  forward_variables_from: Copies variables from a different scope.
  get_label_info: Get an attribute from a target's label.
  get_path_info: Extract parts of a file or directory name.
  get_target_outputs: [file list] Get the list of outputs from a target.
  getenv: Get an environment variable.
  import: Import a file into the current scope.
  pool: Defines a pool object.
  print: Prints to the console.
  process_file_template: Do template expansion over a list of files.
  read_file: Read a file into a variable.
  rebase_path: Rebase a file or directory to another location.
  set_default_toolchain: Sets the default toolchain name.
  set_defaults: Set default values for a target type.
  set_sources_assignment_filter: Set a pattern to filter source files.
  split_list: Splits a list into N different sub-lists.
  template: Define a template rule.
  tool: Specify arguments to a toolchain tool.
  toolchain: Defines a toolchain.
  toolchain_args: Set build arguments for toolchain build setup.
  write_file: Write a file to disk.

Built-in predefined variables (type "gn help <variable>" for more details):
  current_cpu: [string] The processor architecture of the current toolchain.
  current_os: [string] The operating system of the current toolchain.
  current_toolchain: [string] Label of the current toolchain.
  default_toolchain: [string] Label of the default toolchain.
  host_cpu: [string] The processor architecture that GN is running on.
  host_os: [string] The operating system that GN is running on.
  invoker: [string] The invoking scope inside a template.
  python_path: [string] Absolute path of Python.
  root_build_dir: [string] Directory where build commands are run.
  root_gen_dir: [string] Directory for the toolchain's generated files.
  root_out_dir: [string] Root directory for toolchain output files.
  target_cpu: [string] The desired cpu architecture for the build.
  target_gen_dir: [string] Directory for a target's generated files.
  target_name: [string] The name of the current target.
  target_os: [string] The desired operating system for the build.
  target_out_dir: [string] Directory for target output files.

Variables you set in targets (type "gn help <variable>" for more details):
  all_dependent_configs: [label list] Configs to be forced on dependents.
  allow_circular_includes_from: [label list] Permit includes from deps.
  arflags: [string list] Arguments passed to static_library archiver.
  args: [string list] Arguments passed to an action.
  asmflags: [string list] Flags passed to the assembler.
  assert_no_deps: [label pattern list] Ensure no deps on these targets.
  bundle_executable_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_executable_dir}} in create_bundle
  bundle_plugins_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_plugins_dir}} in create_bundle.
  bundle_resources_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_resources_dir}} in create_bundle.
  bundle_root_dir: Expansion of {{bundle_root_dir}} in create_bundle.
  cflags: [string list] Flags passed to all C compiler variants.
  cflags_c: [string list] Flags passed to the C compiler.
  cflags_cc: [string list] Flags passed to the C++ compiler.
  cflags_objc: [string list] Flags passed to the Objective C compiler.
  cflags_objcc: [string list] Flags passed to the Objective C++ compiler.
  check_includes: [boolean] Controls whether a target's files are checked.
  code_signing_args: [string list] Arguments passed to code signing script.
  code_signing_outputs: [file list] Output files for code signing step.
  code_signing_script: [file name] Script for code signing.
  code_signing_sources: [file list] Sources for code signing step.
  complete_static_lib: [boolean] Links all deps into a static library.
  configs: [label list] Configs applying to this target or config.
  console: [boolean] Run this action in the console pool.
  data: [file list] Runtime data file dependencies.
  data_deps: [label list] Non-linked dependencies.
  defines: [string list] C preprocessor defines.
  depfile: [string] File name for input dependencies for actions.
  deps: [label list] Private linked dependencies.
  include_dirs: [directory list] Additional include directories.
  inputs: [file list] Additional compile-time dependencies.
  ldflags: [string list] Flags passed to the linker.
  lib_dirs: [directory list] Additional library directories.
  libs: [string list] Additional libraries to link.
  output_dir: [directory] Directory to put output file in.
  output_extension: [string] Value to use for the output's file extension.
  output_name: [string] Name for the output file other than the default.
  output_prefix_override: [boolean] Don't use prefix for output name.
  outputs: [file list] Output files for actions and copy targets.
  precompiled_header: [string] Header file to precompile.
  precompiled_source: [file name] Source file to precompile.
  product_type: [string] Product type for Xcode projects.
  public: [file list] Declare public header files for a target.
  public_configs: [label list] Configs applied to dependents.
  public_deps: [label list] Declare public dependencies.
  response_file_contents: [string list] Contents of .rsp file for actions.
  script: [file name] Script file for actions.
  sources: [file list] Source files for a target.
  testonly: [boolean] Declares a target must only be used for testing.
  visibility: [label list] A list of labels that can depend on a target.
  write_runtime_deps: Writes the target's runtime_deps to the given path.

Other help topics:
  all: Print all the help at once
  buildargs: How build arguments work.
  dotfile: Info about the toplevel .gn file.
  grammar: Formal grammar for GN build files.
  input_conversion: Processing input from exec_script and read_file.
  label_pattern: Matching more than one label.
  nogncheck: Annotating includes for checking.
  runtime_deps: How runtime dependency computation works.
  source_expansion: Map sources to outputs for scripts.
  switches: Show available command-line switches.
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