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一、Synchronized概述 多个线程访问同一个资源时,需要对该资源上锁。即同时只允许一个线程访问该资源。任何线程要执行synchronized里的代码,都必须先拿到锁。synchronized底层实现,JVM并没...
本文所说的Java读取超大文件的前提条件: 1、此处所说的超大文件,是指至少2G以上,可能是10G或者更大。 2、文件内容是单行可处理的类型,通常为csv文件、txt文件等文本文件。 好了,前提已说...
一、IO概念 • I/O 即输入Input/ 输出Output的缩写,其实就是计算机调度把各个存储中(包括内存和外部存储)的数据写入写出的过程; • java中用“流(stream)”来抽象表示这么一个写入写出...
一、IO概念 • I/O 即输入Input/ 输出Output的缩写,其实就是计算机调度把各个存储中(包括内存和外部存储)的数据写入写出的过程; • java中用“流(stream)”来抽象表示这么一个写入写出...
Java中使用字节流可以拷贝任何格式的文件,在这里使用四种方法测试拷贝文件耗时。 import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import...
DataInput和DataOutput两个接口分别提供了从流中读取二进制数据转化为java基本数据和向流中写入由java基本数据转成的二进制数据,功能十分强大。 一、DataInput 接口用于从二进制流中读取字节...
The JavaFX TabPane is a container control which can contain multiple tabs (sections) internally, which can be displayed by clicking on the tab with the title on top of the TabPa...
The JavaFX SplitPane is a container control that can contain multiple other components inside it. In other words, the SplitPane is split between the controls it contains. Betwee...
The JavaFX TitledPane control is a container control which displays its content inside a a pane (box) which at the top contains a title - hence the name TitledPane. The TitledPa...
The JavaFX Accordion control is a container control which can contain several sections internally, each of which can have their content expanded or collapsed. The Accordion cont...
一、按字节读取内容 public class ReadFromFile { /** * 以字节为单位读取文件,常用于读二进制文件,如图片、声音、影像等文件。 */ public static void readFileByBytes(String fileName....
A JavaFX DirectoryChooser is a dialog that enables the user to select a directory via a file explorer from the user's local computer. The JavaFX DirectoryChooser is implemented ...
A JavaFX FileChooser class (javafx.stage.FileChooser) is a dialog that enables the user to select one or more files via a file explorer from the user's local computer. The JavaF...
The JavaFX ProgressBar is a control capable of displaying the progress of some task. The progress is set as a double value between 0 and 1, where 0 means no progress and 1 means...
The JavaFX Tooltip class (javafx.scene.control.Tooltip) can display a small popup with explanatory text when the user hovers the mouse over a JavaFX control. A Tooltip is a well...
The JavaFX ToolBar class (javafx.scene.control.ToolBar) is a horizontal or vertical bar containing buttons or icons that are typically used to select different tools of a JavaFX...
The JavaFX ToolBar class (javafx.scene.control.ToolBar) is a horizontal or vertical bar containing buttons or icons that are typically used to select different tools of a JavaFX...
A JavaFX TextArea control enables users of a JavaFX application to enter text spanning multiple lines, which can then be read by the application. The JavaFX TextArea control is ...