注解 | 论文标题 |
文献001-网络空间态势信息的特点及其知识表示方法_杜静.pdf | |
文献002-Present and future of semantic web technologies a research statement.pdf | |
文献003-网络安全知识图谱研究综述_丁兆云.pdf | |
文献004-A_Comparative_Study_Ontology_Building_Tools_for_Se.pdf | |
文献005-Evaluating the Good Ontology Design Guideline (GoodOD) with the Ontology Quality Requirements and Evaluation Method and Metrics (OQuaRE).pdf | |
文献006-DeepDive_ Web-scale Knowledge-base Construction using Statistical Learning and Inference.pdf | |
文献007-一种准确而高效的领域知识图谱构建方法_杨玉基.pdf | |
文献008-A Lightweight Knowledge Graph Embedding Framework for Efficient Inference and Storage.pdf | |
文献009-Modeling Computer Attacks_ A Target-Centric Ontology for Intrusion Detection.pdf | |
重要 | 文献010-UCO_ A Unified Cybersecurity Ontology.pdf AAAI2016的workshop上的文章,对统一安全本体的尝试,基本搞安全知识图谱的必引用。 |
文献011-A Cybersecurity Ontology to Support Risk Information Gathering in Cyber-Physical Systems.pdf | |
文献012-Ontology-driven evolution of software security.pdf | |
文献013-MALOnt_An Ontology for Malware Threat Intelligence.pdf | |
文献014-Building an Ontology of Cyber Security.pdf | |
好文 | 文献015-The SEPSES Knowledge Graph_An Integrated Resource for Cybersecurity.pdf ISWC2019上就有这个典型的安全知识图谱,应注意。 |
重要 | 文献016-Ontology Development 101_A Guide to Creating Your FIrst Ontology.pdf 斯坦福七步法的出处。 |
文献017-Methodology for the Design and Evaluation of Ontologies.pdf | |
文献018-Chapter1 OWL Ontologies in Cybersecurity-Conceptual Modeling of Cyber-Knowledge.pdf | |
文献019-An Extended Ontology for Security Requirements.pdf | |
文献020-Streaming Partitioning of RDF Graphs for Datalog Reasoning.pdf | |
文献021-Toward a Knowledge Graph of Cybersecurity Countermeasure.pdf | |
文献022-A Systematic Review and Comparison of Security Ontologies.pdf | |
文献023-Ontology of Metrics for Cyber Security Assessment.pdf | |
文献024-Leveraging cyber threat intelligence for a dynamic risk framework.pdf | |
文献025-Falcon-AO_A practical ontology matching system.pdf | |
文献026-Security Ontology for Annotating Resources.pdf | |
文献027-Parallelised ABox Reasoning and Query Answering with Expressive Description Logics.pdf | |
文献028-Data-driven analytics for cyber-threat intelligence and information sharing.pdf | |
文献029-Developing an Ontology of the Cyber Security Domain.pdf | |
文献030-Security-by-ontology_a knowledge-centric approach.pdf | |
文献031-Formalizing Information Security Knowledge.pdf | |
文献032-A Bootstarpping Approach for Developing a Cyber-Security Ontology Using Textbook Index Terms.pdf | |
文献033-Ontology Based Cooperative Intrusion Detection System.pdf | |
文献034-Ontology for Malware Behavior_a Core Model Proposal.pdf | |
文献035-Security_Ontologies_Improving_Quantitative_Risk_Analysis.pdf | |
文献036-An ontology for Insider Threat Indicators-Development and Applications.pdf | |
文献037-What are Information Security Ontologies Useful for.pdf | |
文献038-Ontologies_Giving Semantics to Network Management Models.pdf | |
文献039-Decision Aid Tool and Ontology-Based Reasoning for Critical Infrastructure Vulnerabilities and Threats Analysis.pdf | |
文献040-Combining Ontologies with Domain Specific Languages_A Case Study from Network Configuration Software.pdf | |
文献041-Ontology-Based Information Extraction from the Configuration Command Line of Network Routers.pdf | |
文献042-MonONTO_A domain ontology for network monitoring and recommendation for advanced Internet applications users.pdf | |
文献043-Automated Reasoning over Provenance-Aware Communication Network Knowledge in Support of Cyber-Situational Awareness.pdf | |
文献044-An introduction to latent semantic analysis.pdf | |
文献045-Ontology-Based Tools for Automating Integration and Validation of Firewall Rules.pdf | |
文献046-METHONTOLOGY_From Ontological Art to Ontological Engineering.pdf | |
文献047-Chapter2_The Ontology of Malwares.pdf | |
文献048-An Ontology of Time for the Semantic Web.pdf | |
文献049-Time in OWL-S.pdf | |
文献050-Semantic web approach towards interoperability and privacy issues in social networks.pdf | |
文献051-DEPCOMM_Graph Summarization on System audit Logs for Attack Investigation.pdf | |
文献052-Noun classification from predicate-argument structures.pdf | |
文献053-A_Novel_Automatic_Ontology_Construction_Method_Based_on_Web_Data.pdf | |
文献054-GRAONTO_A graph-based approach for automatic construction of domain ontology.pdf | |
文献055-Automated ontology construction for unstructured text documents.pdf | |
文献056-Rail Topology Ontology_A Rail Infrastructure Base Ontology.pdf | |
重要 | 文献057-Chapter2 The NeOn Methodology for Ontology Engineering.pdf NeOn是个很有代表性的本体工程方法。 |
文献058-新一代知识图谱关键技术综述.pdf | |
文献059-Disentangled Ontology Embedding for Zero-shot Learning.pdf | |
文献060-An Enhanced Intrusion Detection System for IoT Networks Based on Deep Learning and Knowledge Graph.pdf | |
文献061-Structure-sentitive semantic matching for aggregate question answering over knowledge base.pdf | |
文献062-Translational relation embeddings for multi-hop knowledge base question answering.pdf | |
文献063-The Jazz Ontology_A semantic model and large-scale RDF repositories for jazz.pdf | |
文献064-The Smart Musical Instruments Ontology..pdf | |
文献065-The International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies (ISSVA) ontology.pdf | |
文献066-A multiplatform energy-aware OWL reasoner benchmarking framework.pdf | |
文献067-Chinese semantic document classification based on strategies of semantic similarity computation and correlation analysis.pdf | |
文献068-GBKOM_A generic framework for BK-based ontology matching.pdf | |
文献069-The enslaved ontology_Peoples of the historic slave trade.pdf | |
文献070-SOBA_Semi-automated Ontology Builder for Aspect-based sentiment analysis.pdf | |
文献071-The Internet of Musical Things Ontology.pdf | |
文献072-Analysis of Ontology Competency Questions and their formalizations in SPARQL-OWL.pdf | |
文献073-Automated Class Correction and Enrichment in the Semantic Web.pdf | |
文献074-Ontology for experimentation of human-building interactions using virtual reality.pdf | |
文献075-A novel compact fireworks algorithm for solving ontology meta-matching.pdf | |
文献076-Deep-Embedding-Learning-With-Auto-Encoder-for-Large-Scale-Ontology-Matching.pdf | |
文献077-An-Improved-Structural-Based-Ontology-Matching-Approach-Using-Similarity-Spreading.pdf | |
文献078-Expressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies.pdf | |
文献079-Cross-domain ontology construction and alignment from online customer product reviews.pdf | |
文献080-Open-CyKG_An Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Knowledge Graph.pdf | |
文献081-Domain-specific knowledge graphs_A survey.pdf | |
文献082-Cohesive_Subgraph_Search_Using_Keywords_in_Large_Networks.pdf | |
文献083-Subgraph_Matching_With_Effective_Matching_Order_and_Indexing.pdf | |
文献084-HinCTI_A_Cyber_Threat_Intelligence_Modeling_and_Identification_System_Based_on_Heterogeneous_Information_Network.pdf | |
文献085-Domain taxonomy learning from text_The subsumption method versus hierarchical clustering.pdf | |
文献086-Applying ontology learning and multi-objective ant colony optimization method for focused crawling to meteorological disasters domain knowledge.pdf | |
文献087-OnML_ an ontology-based approach for interpretable machine learning.pdf | |
文献088-A Constructivist Ontology Relation Learning Method.pdf | |
文献089-Ontology Learning from Relational Database_ Opportunities for Semantic Information Integration.pdf | |
文献090-Ontology Learning of New Concepts Combining Textural Knowledge, Visual Analysis, and User Interaction.pdf | |
文献091-A machine learning approach for optimizing heuristic decision-making in Web Ontology Language reasoners.pdf | |
文献092-Ontology learning from relational databases.pdf | |
文献093-ADOL_ a novel framework for automatic domain ontology learning.pdf | |
文献094-Introducing Problem Schema with Hierarchical Exercise Graph for Knowledge Tracing.pdf | |
文献095-DAWAR_Diversity-aware APIs Recommendation for Mashup Creation based on Correlation Graph.pdf | |
好文 | 文献096-MalRank_A Measure of Maliciousness in SIEM-based Knowledge Graphs.pdf |
文献097-Expert Systems - 2018 - Bayoudhi - Efficient management and storage of a multiversion OWL 2 DL domain ontology.pdf | |
文献098-SUMA_A Partial Materialization-Based Scalable Query Answering in OWL 2 DL.pdf | |
文献099-A Preventive Approach for Consistent OWL 2 DL Ontology Versions.pdf | |
文献100-An approach to translating OCL invariants into OWL 2 DL axioms for checking inconsistency.pdf | |
文献101-Overview and Reflexion on OWL 2 DL Ontology Consistency Rules.pdf | |
文献102-A Hybrid Storage Strategy to Manage the Evolution of an OWL 2 DL Domain Ontology.pdf | |
文献103-How to Repair Inconsistency in OWL 2 DL Ontology Versions.pdf | |
文献104-A Practial Fine-grained Approach to Resolving Incoherent OWL 2 DL Terminologies.pdf | |
文献105-Pellet_A practial OWL-DL reasoner.pdf | |
文献106-SPARQL graph pattern rewriting for OWL-DL inference queries.pdf | |
文献107-Ontology-Driven-Situation-Assessment-System-Design-and-Development-in-IoT-Domains.pdf | |
文献108-Using OWL and SWRL to represent and reason with situation-based access control policies.pdf | |
文献109-Network_Security_Situation_Awareness_Based_on_Semantic_Ontology_and_User-Defined_Rules_for_Internet_of_Things.pdf | |
文献110-Layered ontology-based multi-sourced information integration for situation awareness.pdf | |
文献111-An Automated Security Concerns Recommender Based on Use Case Specification Ontology.pdf | |
文献112-BOLD_an ontology-based log debugger for C programs.pdf | |
文献113-Keyphrase extraction in scientific publications.pdf | |
文献114-BERTMap_A BERT-Based Ontology Alignment System.pdf | |
文献115-First Order Rewritability in Ontology-Mediated Querying in Horn Description Logics.pdf | |
文献116-Concurrency and Computation - 2022 - Tissaoui - A top‐down enriching approach for ontology learning from text.pdf | |
文献117-Cyber security information exchange to gain insight into the effects of cyber threats and incidents.pdf | |
文献118-Ontology-based Entity Matching in Attributed Graphs.pdf | |
文献119-Time event ontology (TEO)_to support semantic representation and reasoning of complex temporal relations of clinical events.pdf | |
重要 | 文献120-The Protege Project_A Look Back and a Look Forward.pdf 斯坦福的protege本体编辑工具介绍,基本是首选工具了。 |
文献121-What Makes a Good Ontology_ A Case-Study in Fine-Grained Knowledge Reuse.pdf | |
文献122-Time-travel Investigation_Toward Building a Scalable Attack Detection Framework on Ethereum.pdf | |
文献123-Survey of Network Security Situation Awareness.pdf | |
文献124-A Survey of Network Security Situational Awareness Technology.pdf | |
文献125-Cyber situational awareness – A systematic review of the literature.pdf | |
文献126-FLASc_a formal algebra for labeled property graph schema.pdf | |
文献127-DiscoPG_Property Graph Schema Discovery and Exploration.pdf | |
文献128-Detecting HTTP-based application layer DoS attacks on web servers in the presence of sampling.pdf | |
文献129-Linking Threat Tactics, Techniquesm and Patterns with Defensive Weakness, Vulnerabilities and Affected Platform Configurations for Cyber Hunting.pdf | |
文献130-A Survey on Named Entity Recognition Solutions Applied for Cybersecurity-Related Text Processing.pdf | |
文献131-基于概念相似度的网络安全领域本体融合方法_刘靖旭.pdf | |
文献132-Span Model for Open Information Extraction on Accurate Corpus.pdf | |
文献133-Design and Implementation of a TCG-Based Integrity Measurement Architecture.pdf | |
文献134-Early_Detection_of_Cybersecurity_Threats_Using_Collaborative_Cognition.pdf | |
文献135-Evaluating Entity Linking with Wikipedia.pdf | |
文献136-MalwreTextDB_A Database for Annoated Malware Articles.pdf | |
文献137-Mining Node.js Vulnerabilities via Object Dependence Graph and Query.pdf | |
文献138-Research on Identification and Refactoring Approach of Event-driven Architecture Based on Ontology.pdf | |
文献139-Identifying Risks for Collaborative Systems during Requirements Engineering_An Ontology-Based Approach.pdf | |
文献140-ROBOT_A Tool for Automating Ontology Workflows.pdf | |
文献141-XXXX Concepts.pdf | |
文献142-Enhancing relevant concepts extreaction for ontology learning using domain time relevance.pdf | |
文献143-Functional harmony ontology_Musical harmony analysis with Description Logics.pdf | |
文献144-Ontology-Based Data Modeling for NoSQL Databases_A Case Study in e-Healthcare Application.pdf | |
文献145-An Ontology Based Multilayer Perceptron for Object Detection.pdf | |
文献146-Data Evolution Governance for Ontology-Based Digital Twin Product Lifecycle Management.pdf | |
文献147-ThreMA_Ontology-Based_Automated_Threat_Modeling_for_ICT_Infrastructures.pdf | |
文献148-Towards_a_Usable_Ontology_The_Identification_of_Quality_Characteristics_for_an_Ontology-Driven_Decision_Support_System.pdf | |
文献149-An ontology to represent geospatial data to support building renovation.pdf | |
文献150-A tetrachotomy of ontology-mediated queries with a covering axiom.pdf | |
文献151-A complete classification of the complexity and rewritability of ontology-mediated queries based on the description logic.pdf | |
文献152-Research on multi-source POI data fusion based on ontology and clustering algorithms.pdf | |
文献153-Architecture for ontology-supported multi-context reasoning systems.pdf | |
文献154-Social engineering in cybersecurity_a domain ontology and knowledge graph application examples.pdf | |
文献155-Survey on complex ontology matching.pdf | |
文献156-COPri v.2—A core ontology for privacy requirements.pdf | |
文献157-Machine Learning-Friendly Biomedical Datasets for Equivalence and Subsumption Ontology Matching.pdf | |
文献158-Reproducibility Crisis in the LOD Cloud_Studying the Impact of Ontology Accessibility and Archiving as a Counter Measure.pdf | |
文献159-POSO_A Generic Positioning System Ontology.pdf | |
文献160-Onotology Reshaping for Knowledge Graph Construction_Applied on Bosch Welding Case.pdf | |
文献161-Ontology-Based_Privacy_Data_Chain_Disclosure_Discovery_Method_for_Big_Data.pdf | |
文献162-Partial multi-dividing ontology learning algorithm.pdf | |
文献163-Research on learning OWL ontology from relational database.pdf | |
文献164-RDOTE – Publishing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web.pdf | |
文献165-Learning_ontology_from_relational_database.pdf | |
文献166-Relational database as a source of ontology creation.pdf | |
文献167-Research on the Rules of Mapping from Relational Model to OWL.pdf | |
文献168-An Approach For Transforming of Relational Databases to OWL Ontology.pdf | |
文献169-Ontology-based situation awareness.pdf | |
文献170-Automatic_generation_of_ontology_from_data_models_A_practical_evaluation_of_existing_approaches.pdf | |
文献171-Enabling Technology for Knowledge Sharing.pdf | |
文献172-Automatic_fuzzy_ontology_generation_for_semantic_Web.pdf | |
文献173-Ontology_construction_for_information_selection.pdf | |
文献174-Designing clustering methods for ontology building-the Mo'k workbench.pdf | |
重要 | 文献175-text2onto.pdf |
文献176-Learning of Ontologies for the Web_the Analysis of Existent Approaches.pdf | |
文献177-a survey on ontology enrichment from text.pdf | |
文献178-Automatic Acquisition of Hyponyms from Large Text Corpora.pdf | |
文献179-Probabilistic_Topic_Models_for_Learning_Terminological_Ontologies.pdf | |
文献180-Deriving concept hierarchies from text.pdf | |
文献181-Ontology Learning from Text_ A Look Back and into the Future.pdf | |
文献182-A survey of ontology learning techniques and applications.pdf | |
文献183-A situation awareness model for information security risk management.pdf | |
文献184-Methodology for Automatic Ontology Generation Using Database Schema Information.pdf | |
文献185-Ontology Learning from Relational Database_How to Label the Relationships Between Concepts.pdf | |
文献186_Optimisation Techniques for Flexible SPARQL Queries.pdf | |
文献187-STIX-based Network Security Knowledge Graph Ontology Modeling Method.pdf | |
文献188-PG-explorer_Resource Description Framework data exploration with property graphs.pdf | |
文献189-Semantic integration_A survey of ontology-based approaches.pdf | |
文献190-Ontology-Based Integration of Information_a survey of existing approaches.pdf | |
文献191-Ontology-based information extraction_an introduction and a survey of current approaches.pdf | |
文献192-Automatic ontology construction from text_a review from shallow to deep learning trend.pdf | |
文献193-Ontology extraction from relational database_Concept hierarchy as background knowledge.pdf | |
文献194-ER2OWL_Generating OWL Ontology from ER Diagram.pdf | |
文献195-Using Reverse Engineering for Building Ontologies with Deeper Taxonomies from Relational Databases.pdf | |
文献196-An_Approach_for_Mapping_Relational_Database_into_Ontology.pdf | |
文献197-On Approach for Enterprise Ontology Transformation into Conceptual Model.pdf | |
文献198-Mapping_between_Relational_Database_Schema_and_OWL_Ontology_for_Deep_Annotation.pdf | |
文献199-Issues_in_Mapping_Metamodels_in_the_Onto.pdf | |
文献200-A graph-based semantic relatedness measure in topic ontologies and its applicability for topic labeling of old press articles.pdf | |
文献201-An Adaptive Assessment and Predication Mechanism in Network Security Situation Awareness.pdf | |
文献202-Understanding situation awareness in SOCs, a systematic literature review.pdf | |
文献203-Towards Ontology Quality Assessment.pdf | |
文献204-OntoQualitas_A framework for ontology quality assessment in information interchanges between heterogeneous systems.pdf | |
文献205-A Conceptual Model for Ontology Quality Assessment.pdf | |
文献206-Lifting XML Schema to OWL.pdf | |
文献207-DTD2OWL_Automatic Transforming XML Documents into OWL Ontology.pdf | |
文献208-DTD2OWL2_A new approach for the transformation of the DTD to OWL.pdf | |
文献209-Mapping XML to OWL Ontologies.pdf | |
文献210-Interoperability of XML Schema Applications with OWL Domain Knowledge and Semantic Web Tools.pdf | |
文献211-Ontology Enrichment and Automatic Population From XML Data.pdf | |
文献212-Building Ontologies from XML Data Sources.pdf | |
文献213-Transforming XML Schema to OWL Using Patterns.pdf | |
文献214-An efficient XML to OWL converter.pdf | |
文献215-Automatic Generation of OWL Ontology from XML Data Source.pdf | |
文献216-面向文本的本体自动构建研究综述_王向前.pdf | |
文献217-领域本体学习方法和技术研究综述_刘萍.pdf | |
文献218-基于结构化信息源的本体构建方法综述_车成逸.pdf | |
文献219-从文本中构建领域本体技术综述_任飞亮.pdf | |
文献220-A network security situation assessment method based on adversarial deep learning.pdf | |
文献221-Int J of Intelligent Sys - 2022 - Yang - Network security situation assessment with network attack behavior classification.pdf | |
文献222-Your Router is My Prober_Measuring IPv6 Networks via ICMP Rate Limiting Side Channels.pdf | |
文献223-A multi-level semantic web for hard-to-specify domain concept, Pedestrian, in ML-based software.pdf | |
文献224-A survey of ontology learning methods and techniques.pdf | |
文献225-CyberSAGE_The cyber security argument graph evaluation tool.pdf | |
文献226-Towards_the_Integration_of_Cybersecurity_Risk_Assessment_into_Model-based_Requirements_Engineering.pdf | |
文献227-Monotone Abstractions in Ontology-Based Data Management.pdf | |
文献228-Chowlk_from UML-Based Ontology Conceptualizations to OWL.pdf | |
文献229-VersaMatch_Ontology Matching with Weak Supervision.pdf | |
文献230-A proposed ontology to support the hardware design of building inspection robot systems.pdf | |
文献231-A_Review_on_Ontology_Modularization_Techniques_-_A_Multi-Dimensional_Perspective.pdf | |
文献232-EvoLearner_Learning Description Logics with Evolutionary Algorithms.pdf | |
文献233-Neural Class Expression Synthesis.pdf | |
文献234-Learning Concept Lengths Accelerates Concept Learning in ALC.pdf | |
文献235-CRUSOE_A toolset for cyber situational awareness and decision support in incident handling.pdf | |
文献236-A BIPMU-based network security situation assessment method for wireless network.pdf | |
文献237-A systematic literature review of requirements engineering education.pdf | |
文献238-A knowledge-driven approach for designing data analysis platforms.pdf | |
文献239-Causality in requirements artifacts_prevalence, detection, and impact.pdf | |
文献240-Specifying requirements for collection and analysis of online user feedback.pdf | |
文献241-Aligning requirements and testing through metamodeling and patterns_design and evaluation.pdf | |
文献242-Theory and Models for Cyber Situation Awareness.pdf | |
文献243-CyberRel_Joint Entity and Relation Extraction for Cybersecurity Concepts.pdf | |
文献244-Automatic Glossary Extraction_Beyond Terminology Identification.pdf | |
文献245-基于模糊贝叶斯决策的核心概念抽取方法_钟寒.pdf | |
文献246-Concurrency and Computation - 2021 - Zhong - A method of core concept extraction based on semantic‐weight ranking.pdf | |
文献247-Context-based extraction of concepts from unstructured textual documents.pdf | |
文献248-Guided Attention Network for Concept Extraction.pdf | |
文献249-Automatic_Concept_Extraction_Based_on_Semantic_Graphs_From_Big_Data_in_Smart_City.pdf | |
文献250-基于领域相关性度量的抑郁症药物概念抽取_王宁宁.pdf | |
文献251-形式概念分析在软件工程中的应用综述_臧国轻.pdf | |
文献252-A user-guided reduction concept lattice and its algebraic structure.pdf | |
文献253-Using terms and informal definitions to classify domain entities into top-level ontology concepts_an approach based on language models.pdf | |
文献254-GIRE_Gender-Inclusive Requirements Engineering.pdf | |
文献255-Aspects of modeling requirements in very-large agile systems engineering.pdf | |
文献256-Whyis2_An Open Source Framework for Knowledge Graph Development and Research.pdf | |
文献257-Enabling Live SPARQL Queries over ConceptNet Using Triple Pattern Fragments.pdf | |
文献258-Investigating Ontology-Based Data Access with GitHub.pdf | |
文献259-A Framework to Include and Exploit Probabilistic Information in SHACL Validation Reports.pdf | |
文献260-Taxonomy Model for Cyber Threat Intelligence Information Exchange Technologies.pdf | |
好文 | 文献261-Ontology Discovery for the Semantic Web Using Hierarchical Clustering.pdf |
文献262-Towards Ontology-Based Requirements Engineering for IoT-Supported Well-Being, Aging and Health.pdf | |
文献263-Requirements Engineering for Feedback Loops in Software-Intensive Systems.pdf | |
文献264-Data-Driven Agile Requirements Elicitation through the Lenses of Situational Method Engineering.pdf | |
文献265-Towards a Taxonomy for Eliciting Design-Operation Continuum Requirements of Cyber-Physical Systems.pdf | |
文献266-Correlation of cyber threat intelligence with sightings for intelligence assessment and augmentation.pdf | |
文献267-Knowledge Acquisition Via Incremental Conceptual Clustering.pdf | |
文献268-A Survey on Cyber Situation-awareness Systems_Framework, Techniques, and Insights.pdf | |
文献269-网络空间态势感知方向课程体系构建_尹美娟.pdf | |
文献270-A semiotic metrics suite for assessing the quality of ontologies.pdf | |
文献271-Enabling Representation Learning in Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling Using Graph Neural Networks.pdf | |
文献272-Natural Language-Based Conceptual Modeling Frameworks_State of the Art and Future Opportunities.pdf | |
文献273-SemEval-2010 Task 5_Automatic Keyphrase Extraction from Scientific Articles.pdf | |
文献274-the-state-of-the-art-in-ontology-learning-a-framework-for-comparison.pdf | |
文献275-OntoQA_metric-based ontology quality analysis.pdf | |
文献276-TRESTLE_A Model of Concept Formation in Structured Domains.pdf | |
文献277-Semantic_SPARQL_Query_in_a_Relational_Database_Based_on_Ontology_Construction.pdf | |
文献278-BOOTOX_Practical Mapping of RDBs to OWL 2.pdf | |
文献279-An approach for Generation of SPARQL Query from SQL Algebra based Transformation Rules of RDB to Ontology.pdf | |
文献280-Fully automatic OWL generator from RDB schema.pdf | |
文献281-Exploring Logical and Hierarchical Information to map Relational Databases into Ontologies.pdf | |
文献282-Integration Mapping Rules_ Transforming Relational Database to Semantic Web Ontology.pdf | |
文献283-Including business strategy in model-driven methods_an experiment.pdf | |
文献284-Intelligence-driven computer network defense informed by analysis of adversary campaigns and intrusion kill chains.pdf | |
文献285-Collaborative Model-Driven Software Engineering - A systematic survey of practices and needs in industry.pdf | |
文献286-Introduction to the Special issue on Methods, Tools and Languages for Model-driven Engineering and Low-code Development.pdf | |
文献287-Developer discussion topics on the adoption and barriers of low code software development platforms.pdf | |
文献288-Exploring Low-Code Development_A Comprehensive Literature Review.pdf | |
文献289-OSTRICH_a rich template language for low-code development (extended version).pdf | |
文献290-描述逻辑综述_石莲.pdf | |
文献291-Ontology-aware Prescription Recommendation in Treatment Pathways Using Multi-evidence Healthcare Data.pdf | |
文献292-Ontology alignment with semantic and structural embeddings.pdf | |
文献293-CrowdManager_An_Ontology-Based_Interaction_and_Management_Middleware_for_Heterogeneous_Mobile_Crowd_Sensing.pdf | |
文献294-Global_Ontology_Entities_Embeddings.pdf | |
文献295-Ontology Enrichment XXXX.pdf | |
文献296-Use of Competency Questions in Ontology Engineering_A Survey.pdf | |
文献297-SEON_A Software Engineering Ontology Network.pdf | |
文献298-Automated Ontology Generation.pdf | |
文献299-Linking Tabular Columns to Unseen Ontologies.pdf | |
重要 | 文献300-LLMs4OL_Large Language Models for Ontology Learning.pdf ISWC2023上的,德国佬把大语言模型用到了本体学习上,三个典型任务,但发现大语言模型也不是无所不能。 |
文献301-SORBET_A Siamese Network for Ontology Embeddings Using a Distance-Based Regression Loss and BERT.pdf | |
文献302-Efficient Dependency Analysis for Rule-Based Ontologies.pdf | |
文献303-Automating the Generation of Competency Questions for Ontologies with AgOCQs.pdf | |
好文 | 文献304-BigCQ_Generating a Synthetic Set of Competency Questions Formalized into SPARQL-OWL (Student Abstract).pdf 波兰老哥鼎力之作。 |
文献305-An Experiment in Retrofitting Competency Questions for Existing Ontologies.pdf | |
文献306-FrODO_Generating Ontologies from Competency Questions in One Click.pdf | |
文献307-SeeQuery_An Automatic Method for Recommending Translations of Ontology Competency Questions into SPARQL-OWL.pdf | |
文献308-Automatically Drafting Ontologies from Competency Questions with FrODO.pdf | |
好文 | 文献309-BigCQ_A large-scale synthetic dataset of competency question patterns formalized into SPARQL-OWL query templates.pdf 波兰老哥鼎力之作,专门搞CQ的。给出了若干个CQ模板,还有与之对应的SPARQL模板。 |
文献310-CLaRO_A Controlled Language for Authoring Competency Questions.pdf | |
文献311-An ontology-mediated analytics-aware approach to support monitoring and diagnostics of static and streaming data.pdf | |
好文 | 文献312-DeepOnto_A Python Package for Ontology Engineering with Deep Learning.pdf |
文献313-Ontology extension with NLP-based concept extraction for domain experts in catalytic sciences.pdf | |
文献314-Scale-preserving automatic concept extraction.pdf | |
文献315-Incorporating Presuppositions of Competency Questions into Test-Driven Development of Ontologies.pdf | |
文献316-Test-Driven Development of Ontologies.pdf | |
文献317-Towards Competency Question-Driven Ontology Authoring.pdf | |
文献318-Verifying Description Logic Ontologies based on Competency Questions and Unit Testing.pdf | |
文献319-Translating natural language competency questions into SPARQL queries-a case study.pdf | |
文献320-A method to develop description logic ontologies iteratively based on competency questions_an implementation.pdf | |
文献321-Natural Language Interfaces to Ontologies_Combining Syntactic Analysis and Ontology-Based Lookup through the User Interaction.pdf | |
文献322-Using Multiple Clause Constructors in Inductive Logic Programming for Semantic Parsing.pdf | |
文献323-PANTO_A Portable Natural Language Interface to Ontologies.pdf | |
文献324-A tagger for glossary of terms extraction from ontology competency questions.pdf | |
文献325-Automatic Translation of Competency Questions into SPARQL-OWL Queries.pdf | |
文献326-Extending the description logic EL with threshold concepts induced by concept measures.pdf | |
文献327-Efficient Answer Enumeration in Description Logics with Functional Roles.pdf | |
文献328-Expert Systems - 2022 - Santos - A hybrid recommender system based on description dialetheic logic and linked data.pdf | |
文献329-How is Your Knowledge Graph Used_Content-Centric Analysis of SPARQL Query Logs.pdf | |
文献330-Can ChatGPT Replace Traditional KBQA Models_An In-Depth Analysis of the Question Answering Performance of the GPT LLM Family.pdf | |
文献331-Visualizing Mappings Between Pairwise Ontologies - An Empirical Study of Matrix and Linked Indented List in Their User Support During Class Mapping Creation and Evaluation.pdf | |
文献332-HOLY-An Ontology Covering the Hydrogen Market.pdf | |
文献333-Ontology Repositories and Semantic Artefact Catalogues with the OntoPortal Technology.pdf | |
文献334-The SAREF Pipeline and Portal—An Ontology Verification Framework.pdf | |
文献335-The RML Ontology_A Community-Driven Modular Redesign After a Decade of Experience in Mapping Heterogeneous Data to RDF.pdf | |
文献336-Text2KGBench_A Benchmark for Ontology-Driven Knowledge Graph Generation from Text.pdf | |
文献337-The Polifonia Ontology Network_Building a Semantic Backbone for Musical Heritage.pdf | |
文献338-Towards a UML-based notation for OWL ontologies.pdf | |
文献339-Visualizing Ontology Metrics In the NEOntometrics Application.pdf | |
文献340-Repairing EL Ontologies Using Weakening and Completing.pdf | |
文献341-Classifying Sequences by Combining Context-Free Grammars and OWL Ontologies.pdf | |
文献342-K-Hub_A Modular Ontology to Support Document Retrieval and Knowledge Extraction in Industry 5.0.pdf | |
文献343-The notion of Abstraction in Ontology-based Data Management.pdf | |
文献344-The Design of an Ontology for ATT&CK and its Application to Cybersecurity.pdf | |
文献345-Building Cybersecurity Ontology for Understanding and Reasoning Adversary Tactics and Techniques.pdf | |
文献346-Nested OSTRICH_Hatching Compositions of Low-code Templates.pdf | |
文献347-Easing Construction of Smart Agriculture Applications Using Low Code Development Tools.pdf | |
文献348-Towards Ontology Generation from Tables.pdf | |
文献349-CORAL_A Corpus of Ontological Requirements Annotated with Lexico-Syntactic Patterns.pdf | |
文献350-A term extraction algorithm based on machine learning and comprehensive feature strategy.pdf | |
文献351-QUARE_towards a question-answering model for requirements elicitation.pdf | |
文献352-PURE_A_Dataset_of_Public_Requirements_Documents.pdf | |
文献353-Ontology Design Patterns (In Handbook on Ontologies).pdf | |
文献354-A Semi-automatic Framework Towards Building Electricity Grid Infrastructure Management Ontology_A Case Study and Retrospective.pdf | |
文献355-A tool for requirements engineering using ontologies and boilerplates.pdf | |
文献356-CISO-BERT_Matching Information Security Requirements by Fine-Tuning the BERT Language Model.pdf | |
文献357-Balancing software and training requirements for information security.pdf | |
文献358-工业控制系统安全态势感知技术研究_周明.pdf | |
文献359-Toward principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing.pdf | |
文献360-Towards A Visualisation Ontology for Reusable Visual Analytics.pdf | |
文献361-Minimal Macro-Based Rewritings of Formal Languages_Theory and Applications in Ontology Engineering (and Beyond).pdf | |
文献362-ConsistNER_Towards Instructive NER Demonstrations for LLMs with the Consistency of Ontology and Context.pdf | |
好文 | 文献363-Modular ontology modeling.pdf 介绍模块化本体工程的,有用。 |
文献364-From human experts to machines_An LLM supported approach to ontology and knowledge graph construction.pdf | |
文献365-Restricting the Spurious Growth of Knowledge Graphs by Using Ontology Graphs.pdf | |
文献366-Example query on ontology-labels knowledge graph based on filter-refine strategy.pdf | |
文献367-KNIT_Ontology reusability through knowledge graph exploration.pdf | |
文献368-Reachability Matrix Ontology A Cybersecurity Ontology | |
文献369-Graph Mining for Cybersecurity_A Survey | |
文献370-Tailoring ontology retrieval for supporting requirements analysis | |
文献371-Ontology extension with NLP-based concept extraction for domain experts in catalytic sciences 和化学领域相关的,但是可以学习一下写作。您说本体没创新,但可以发CCF B,也是足够了。 |