仲夏开源之夜 | Jianmin:Personal Data Ownership

2023/08/11 21:00
阅读数 54

▲ Jianmin Wang

With the increasingly severe security of personal data and privacy, Jianmin and his colleagues initiated and established the AO.space project,with the support of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Software Institute.

AO.space project is a scientific research with safeguarding personal data ownership, security and privacy as the core. The team will release more open source solutions in August. Welcome everyone to follow and participate in the Aospace community.
该项目是一个以保护个人数据所有权、安全和隐私为核心的科研项目,团队也即将在 8 月份发布更多项目产出的开源解决方案,欢迎大家关注和参与傲空间社区。

▲ Jianmin,王建民

Jianmin,an accomplished software engineer from China with over a decade of Operating Systems experience, serves on the openEuler community's Technical Committee and initiated the student-focused Summer-OSPP open-source project.

Full text of the speech


I want to share some open source projects I'm very interested in this few years, especially the AI. AI is coming and maybe conquer the world. I’m very worry about this topic,how to safeguard our data ownership.


Do we own our data currently? It’s a little tough question.Let’s go a little more and share some big news.


Two years ago, Twitter announced permanent suspension of President Donald Trump's account. Luckily, recently, he can come back to Twitter, but without any data and any followers before. Actually, Twitter has this rights, because Twitter own the data.

The second news is in the same year 2021.WhatsApp updated its privacy policy to they could to share some users’ data to other products of Facebook.

The third news is Google's Bard got off to a wrong start by claiming its dataset originates from Gmail, several questioning its privacy concerns.But soon Google clarified that it's a mistake. They didn't use privacy data.
第三则新闻是Bard表示它的训练数据集包括Gmail,对此很多人质疑这存在隐私隐患。对此谷歌回应表示该模型没有使用从 Gmail 收集的信息进行训练。

I think a lot of developers love to use Telegram and it is very famous for its security and privacy policy.Telegram sync the contacts to their servers.


But when the Telegram servers are down,we can not contact with our friends in telegram,except we save another contact of our friends.It is the same with emails in cloud and files in cloud.


Platforms have rights to decide whether we can view or manage our data in cloud. But users don't have rights to decide whether platforms can view or manage our data. The ownership belongs to platforms.


In the past few years,there are many good practice and projects in open source projects.It's like Decentralized Identifiers,Passkeys, End to End Encryption,Local-first and Open Source.These five practice is key to slove the ownership problem.


One more thing, what my team and I are doing is called  AO.space, a new open source project.

最后,建民老师介绍了团队正在进行的开源项目AO.space 傲空间。

We try to do a system solution to solve the ownership problem and we publish the code on GitHub. 


Next month we will publish more code,service and platform the whole open source solution for data ownership.


This is a simple architecture os AO.Space. 

这是AO.space 傲空间的简易结构。

Our space trys to integrate service end to end with local-first and also Passkeys DID to this system level to help this feature.


Scan QR code to contact the project leader


Click on the image to watch the live recording


▲ Jianmin's speech live recording 

Group photo

About KCC Singapore

KCC@Singapore, founded on July 20, 2023, is the first step in the open source community's global strategy. Our mission is to empower developers to embrace and contribute to open source.
Through partnerships with universities, tech companies, and government departments, we aim to promote open source adoption in Singapore's digital economy. Working closely with local open source communities and forging global connections, we amplify the voice of Chinese open source. Together, we empower open source for a brighter digital future.

About AO.space

AO.space is a solution that focuses on protecting personal data security and privacy. Utilizing end-to-end encryption and device-based authentication, users have complete control over their personal accounts and data. AO.space also employs various technologies, including transparent platform forwarding, peer-to-peer acceleration, and LAN direct connection, to enable fast access to personal data from anywhere at any time. 
💻 官网:https://ao.space

Click on the "link" below for the PowerPoint presentation.


Open Source Technologies for Safeguarding Personal Data Ownership.pdf

作者丨KCC 新加坡


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