Image Data Support in Apache Spark

Image Data Support in Apache Spark March 5, 2018 by ML Blog Team This post is co-authored by the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning team, in collaboration with Databricks Machine ...

Land Cover Classification Using the Geo AI

Pixel-Level Land Cover Classification Using the Geo AI Data Science Virtual Machine and Batch AI March 12, 2018 by ML Blog Team This post was authored by Mary Wahl, Kolya Malkin...

Deep Learning Models on Kubernetes with GPUs

Deploying Deep Learning Models on Kubernetes with GPUs April 19, 2018 by ML Blog Team This post is authored by Mathew Salvaris and Fidan Boylu Uz, Senior Data Scientists at Micr...

Ubuntu 16.04安装NVIDIA的显卡驱动396和CUDA9.1

Ubuntu安装NVIDIA的显卡驱动和CUDA Toolkit Ubuntu(这里是用16.04LTS桌面版,如果是17.04及以后版本,因为使用的显示服务器不同,可能又会有所不同)安装NVIDIA的显卡驱动经常出现启动后死循环...

MacOS 访问ExtFS的磁盘

ExtFS是Linux下的磁盘格式,有U盘格式化成Ext4了,要在MacBook下用,咋整呢? 简单来说,安装fusefs子系统,如下: brew cask install osxfuse brew install ext4fuse 但会有一些问题,参见...

在Ubuntu Linux下制作Windows 启动安装 USB盘


MagicLeap SDK 安装指南

MagicLeap(https://www.magicleap.com/)是一个先进的混合现实(MR,Mixed Reality)头戴式设备,预计在2018年会发布开发者版。不过,在硬件设备推出之前,2018年3月已经发布了其开发SDK,下面...

A Handy Introduction to Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs

A Handy Introduction to Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs Since I started working at Planet, I kept hearing about Cloud Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs). My colleague Chris Holmes even wrote a ...

First impressions of Benewake CE30 solid-state LIDAR

First impressions of Benewake CE30 solid-state LIDAR April 8, 2018 zlite The era of small, cheap (sub-$1,000) Lidar is upon us, but it’s still a bit in its teething stage. In t...

What is Geospatial AI or Geo.AI?

What is Geospatial AI or Geo.AI? By Aditya Chaturvedi - March 27, 2018 Come from: https://www.geospatialworld.net/blogs/geospatial-ai/ Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a ...

Using the Worldmap Panel with Prometheus

Using the Worldmap Panel with Prometheus Brian Brazil April 2, 2018 The Worldmap Panel for Grafana allows displaying of metrics on a map. Grafana has many plugins, the one I’m...

大数据资源-Awesome Data Engineering

Awesome Data Engineering A curated list of data engineering tools for software developers List of content Databases Ingestion File System Serialization format Stream Processing ...


使用Prometheus监控kubernetes集群 ⚠️注意:Prometheus和Grafana已经支持helm快速安装(https://my.oschina.net/u/2306127/blog/1828656),下面的方法不建议使用。 --------------------...


Kubernetes安装heapster插件 准备镜像 官方镜像保存在 gcr.io 中需要翻墙才能下载,为了方便大家使用,我下载后放到了时速云中,为公有镜像供大家下载。 index.tenxcloud.com/jimmy/heapster...


使用Heapster获取集群对象的metric数据 Heapster作为kubernetes安装过程中默认安装的一个插件,见安装heapster插件。这对于集群监控十分有用,同时在Horizontal Pod Autoscaling中也用到了,...


OpenFaaS快速入门指南 OpenFaaS一款高人气的开源的faas框架,可以直接在Kubernetes上运行,也可以基于Swarm或容器运行。 在Kubernetes上部署OpenFaaS十分简单,用到的镜像如下: functions/...


理解Serverless架构理念 No silver bullet. - The Mythical Man-Month 许多年前,我们开发的软件还是C/S(客户端/服务器)和MVC(模型-试图-控制器)的形式,再后来有了SOA,最近几年又出现了...



Service Mesh-Conduit概览

Service Mesh-Conduit概览 Conduit是一款针对Kubernetes的超轻量级的service mesh。它可以透明得管理服务运行时之间的通信,使得在Kubernetes上运行服务更加安全和可靠;它还具有不用修改任何...


