
2014/12/22 21:11
阅读数 455


Why Writing Annotation Must Become Peremptory Rule?


Parodox: It is most hated for programmers that others'code have not annotations, and oneself must write annotations.






1.Annotation mainly aims to others, then review for yourself

It's fairly diffcult to understand a kind of mind of human, especially include sophisticated logic. This is why some science theories were written by a lot of words or book to explain them. If these minds only retain in brains, some people think they would not write them arduously, but others don't think so. Is it right the latter more awkward than the former?Certainly it's not. We are terrestrial, we are human, we have same weakness. Human's brain is not omnipotent. Memory decline so much as vanish. Brains is effectively work to get more new knowledge since declines and vanishes. It's well known.

But what's the coding? In my definition, it is described a method that solve problem with relatively abstract symbols. So it has two properties: (1)an set of entire explainations; (2)a set of relatively abstract descriptions. It's difficult to master the skill for majority of people. The rate to master and steer it smoothly is fairly small. Coding monkeys, are you pleased with yourself? Don't celebrate so soon. Programmers face the same problem as others: LETHE. The old saying "Time will kill all". You must be killed by time, no matter how niubilitied man or lady you are. It is wise brain that never escape.

It cost more time to understand abstract description, in spite of author thinks it is legible.But after a while, don't say others, even author may forget the scene that code at that time.Because programmers usually code for other's requirements.Other's requirements certainly come from other's minds. How do you ensure that abstract descriptions you wrote for other's requirement are not forgetten while other's minds are forgetten? God can't do it. God should not swamp into paradox himself. And then, how about it is others to see your code.He(or She) knew nothing about scene client commited requirements.How did he(or she) understand the unfathomable abstract description you wrote?"Hum, I coded according to niubility method from XXX.If you master X language, you can understand them easily.", you might say. Oh my God. What did you know what you said? You should know that devergence exist in nature language understanding to be limited human's intelligence. How did you ensure it shouldn't happen in such abstract description? I'm afraid creators of these computer languages can't say that. That is why all high level computer language reserve annotation function.

So, you should discard ego and pigheadedness if you admit you are human.You must face up to human weakness and write anotation in earnest.





2.Anotation simplify understanding

Sometimes you must fix bugs in someone's code. You need read and understand relative codes to assit you finding bug. When you confirm the reason of bugs not to come from these codes, you just understand logical structure of these codes which not read them word for word and sentance for sentance. It shoud speed up your work at this time. You may end this step through reading head anotation of them even. After all, reading nature language from anotation is much easier than reading the plainest code. The anotation is convenient for others and yourself. What reason should you not write them?

Anotation concentrate on the main point speed up understanding whole project codes for the programmers takeing up other's work. It's eariler to finish the work takeing up from others. The benifits are beyond that the latter work in role as soon as possible to finish the pressing task from PM. This is why coding monkeys extremely detest the codes have not anotation.

Anyway, do unto others as you would be done. You should consider how do you do seriously when you complain other's codes without anotation. Do you have prejudice for writing anotation? If not, congratulations on you, you already accept the following preremptory rule: Any coding and Any anotation. Well, how to write plain anotation concentrate to main point, it is out of range for this article.

                                                                       *Written by Wayman Qi*
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