2012/04/30 19:29
阅读数 197

網上找了些容易明白的例子... (全是其他人的, 只是節錄而已)

入門的, 有以下例子:

function Student(name, gender, age, grade, teacher)
{ = name;
	this.gender = gender;
	this.age = age;
	this.grade = grade;
	this.teacher = teacher;

var bob = new Student("bob", "male", 15, 10, "Marlow");
alert(bob.age); //Outputs 15

var susan = new Student("susan", "female", 10, 5, "Gresham");
alert(susan.gender); //Outputs 'female'


正常的OOP, 很多時候, 也會有些FUNCTION, 而我們要用OBJECT裡的FUNCTION, 該如下:

function Student(name, gender, age, grade, teacher)
	var studentName = name;
	var studentGender = gender;
	var studentGrade = grade;
	var studentTeacher = teacher;
	var studentAge = age;

	this.getAge = function()
		return studentAge;

	this.setAge = function(val)
		studentAge = Math.abs(val); //Keep age positive using absolute value

var bob = new Student("bob", "male", 15, 10, "Marlow");
alert(bob.studentAge); //undefined, since age is privately protected in the class definition

alert(bob.getAge()); //Outputs 15
alert(bob.getAge()); //Outputs 20

還有一個平時未必會想到的方法: PROPERTIES...

function Student( properties )
	var $this = this;  //Store class scope into a variable named $this

	//Iterate through the properties of the object
	for ( var i in properties )

			// Dynamically create an accessor method
			$this[ "get" + i ] = function()
				return properties[i];

// Create a new user object instance and pass in an object of
// properties to seed it with
var student = new Student(
	Name: "Bob",
	Age: 15,
	Gender: "male"

alert(; //Undefined due to the property being private

alert(student.getName()); //Outputs "Bob"
alert(student.getAge()); //Outputs 15
alert(student.getGender()); //Outputs "male"


function Worker()
	this.getMethods = function(properties, scope)
		var $this = scope;  //Store class scope into a variable named $this

		//Iterate through the properties of the object
		for ( var i in properties )

				// Dynamically create an accessor method
				$this[ "get" + i ] = function()
					return properties[i];

			//Dynamically create a mutation method that parses for an integer and
			//Ensures it is positive.
			$this[ "set" + i ] = function(val)
					properties[i] = val;
					properties[i] = Math.abs(val);

//The CommissionWorker "subclass" and WageWorker "subclass"
//inherit the properties and methods of Worker.
CommissionWorker.prototype = new Worker();
WageWorker.prototype = new Worker();

function CommissionWorker(properties)
	this.getMethods(properties, this);

	//Calculates income
	this.getIncome = function()
		return properties.Sales * properties.Commission;

//Expects the following properties: wage, hoursPerWeek, weeksPerYear
function WageWorker(properties)
	this.getMethods(properties, this);

	//Calculates income
	this.getIncome = function()
		return properties.Wage * properties.HoursPerWeek * properties.WeeksPerYear;

var worker = new WageWorker(
	Name: "Bob",
	Wage: 10,
	HoursPerWeek: 40,
	WeeksPerYear: 48

alert(worker.wage); //Undefined. wage is a private property.

alert(worker.getName());   //Outputs "Bob"
alert(worker.getIncome()); //Outputs 38,400 (20*40*48)

var worker2 = new CommissionWorker(
	Name: "Sue",
	Commission: .2,
	Sales: 40000
alert(worker2.getName());   //Outputs "Sue"
alert(worker2.getIncome()); //Outputs 8000 (2% times 40,000)


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