编者按:sig-minzuchess 的维护人袁德俊老师告诉我们:明天2月9日晚第2次SIG组会后,这封信和石榴派漂流计划将在树莓派全球社区发布,共同褀愿疫情早日结束,为了更好地在全球社区中推动这件事,在北京,共绘福星褀福健康的活动已经在小朋友中展开。袁老师介绍说,先在国内倡议积累经验,从北京开始,每征集99幅福星画作,就汇集起来送到需要抗疫的一线志愿者手中。投稿时已经收到了30多幅,感谢 openEuler 社区积极响应。
A Letter from China --- Pray for Health and Happiness for the Whole World Kids.
Just at this very moment, I am focusing on the star of the picture, and one sentence is just coming into my mind:
It is the lucky star. It is a powerful source from our hearts. It will lead us to work together to let COVID-19 disappear. Its shining will lead us to a beautiful future.
Now, let me tell the story about the author of this picture.
Signed name on December 19, 2020, this picture was photoed by her mother. A pair of nervous hands held the picture because her mother asked her to prepare a new year card for an old man on behalf of Team Flamechess. And the suggestion was from me as children's blessing was the best gift for the elderly. The old man, the head coach of the team, was the judgment of the 1st community tournament of our chess team, Flamechess Invitation Beijing 2015, in Beijing. The tournament slogan was that friendship is more important than competition. The wish that the coach left was healthy and happy for all kids players. The sentence is still our team slogan in every volunteer and kids players’ hearts. And now, we hope for whole world kids.
The star is not only a beauty graph but also a board game, which has a new name called a lucky star. The play method is putting ten stones on star-cross points and vertexes, and then remove any stone by following your heart, thus, an empty position is on the star board. Next, jumping stone one from another's above to the empty position, the stone over jumped be leave away from the star board. At the end of the game, leaving only one stone on it means good luck than anything you pray will be a success. It is important to notice that the stone can only jump, but not move.
This letter does not focus on the play method of the starboard game, but the key is that the story happens with lots of amazing stories.
The game was the first game I learned on a Tibetan trip one year ago. -
It is the first game that is taught in our chess team for any beginner players include adults. -
It is not only a game with one player but also with multiplayer. -
Why choose any stone to move away follow your heart firstly? Because the direction of stones to leave and left on the board will have the meaning as the star stones just like the stars in the sky that can guide people.
The board game was designed not for competition at ancient, but for praying to the sky and land because everything connected, and could be influenced by each that not only humans’ heart, but also everything in universal, including one stone, one grass, and animals on the earth.
On the last day, I viewed a sentence from a famous board game website in the UK.
To your health and many happy game nights,
Wow, isn't that the slogan of our team just mentioned? It is amazing! I saw it when I was looking for the story of the Raspberry Pi community for my new goal, Pomegranate Pi. I have not checked my email for a long time, because thousands of ad letters filled my mailbox. As the openEuler / raspberry pi community is using mailing lists, just last week, I became one of the maintainers of this open-source project.
Logging in to the board game website, which was found when I searched the introduction of ancient board games on the Internet earlier, unfortunately, there was too little information about ancient Chinese board games, including Liubo and backgammon. OpenEuler's community mailing list has a title: "five reasons to play board games". Thus, I saw that sentence.
When I wanted to learn more about the Raspberry Pi, a long report of the Raspberry Pi foundation called "2018-2020 strategy" appeared in front of me. Every sentence in the report is deep in my mind. It is also an excellent open source community that we need to learn from. In Beijing, our students began to learn open source during this winter vacation. That's why I come across open source, openEuler, and the Raspberry Pi. Although I knew some open-source hardware, I only thought it was hardware and a cheap computer. However, now I come across the Raspberry Pi community. Like openEuler, it is not just an operating system is a community. You are all open source communities.
Educations for adults and children,
Our chess team, most photos in the community where parents play with their kids include neighbor's kids. When our team visited the foreign clubs, the same picture also appears in our eyes. -
We take inspiration from the work of Seymour Papert, constructionism, and the maker movement.
I built the biggest tower of chess, which was 5 meters high, using the plastic bottle caps 300,000, just for sharing 10,000 chess set for the community. 2000 kids joined us, and we finished it in 3 months. The final part was completed with several parents’ help. The tower was standing on the one side of National Stadium, the Bird's Nest. -
We will also co-operate with organizations that help us engage young people that from harder-to-reach groups, for example girls, young people with special educational needs, or...
In China, many educational organizations are willing to care about these special groups, like people in the west area of Guizhou province. -
A huge community of educators, volunteers, and parents who want to help young people learn computing and digital making skills.
I am a computer science teacher, also a parent, and a volunteer. Not only to learn computing to learn to compute, but also to learn how to use the digital skills to protect the ancient board game and culture. -
@raspberry_pi @codeclubworld @CoderDojo
Not only hardware but also software and community. A better environment that is suitable for kids’ growth and all are supported by Raspberry Pi Foundation. It will be a great open-source community.
We come; our team comes; our students come. We come to learn opensource and to feel the warmth of the community. In China, we have already been charged by the openEuler community and the Chinese opensource community. Now our kids come to the Raspberry Pi community, sending this letter to kids and friends all over the world to join us to protect the ancient culture all around the world through boardgames. That's all of ours starts. our cultures start.
We continue to be inspired and comforted by the kindness of strangers, and even on the darkest nights, there is hope in a new dawn.
A litter girl from China brings a small lucky star for kids around the world. That is her best wishes. And she is just one of the normal Chinese girls with kindness heart.
That's the light in my mind and our minds. Just may the hope light let me meet yours.
I believe, because she believes, and the future believe that health and happiness are never gone, COVID-19 will be over in the end.
Best wishes.
Dejun Yuan

shinning stone, shinning star. 光芒万丈的石头。
shinning stone, shinning star.
2020.12.19署名,这张照片是她妈妈拍摄的。一双紧张的小手擎着这幅画,是因为妈妈让她代表火种队给一位老爷爷准备了一张新年贺卡。这个建议是我出的,孩子们的祝福是送给老人最好的礼物啦。这位老教练是我们聘请的裁判长,也是我们火种队的总教练。当时在北京举办了第一次国际象棋社区巡回赛——“2015北京市中小学火焰棋邀请赛”,口号是:友谊第一,没有第二。老先生给孩子们的祝福语就是: 祝愿孩子们“健康快乐” 。这句话深深地印在每一位志愿者和孩子们的心里,也一直是我们火种队的理念。现在我们祝福全世界的孩子都“健康快乐”。
这是我一年前去西藏旅行中学到的第一个游戏。 -
这也是我们的国际象棋队教初学者的第一个游戏,包括成人志愿者。 -
它不只是单人游戏,也是多人游戏。 -
登录这个棋盘游戏网站,是我早先在网上搜索古代棋盘游戏介绍的时候找到的,但遗憾的是,关于中国古代棋盘游戏的信息太少啦。包括六博棋和双陆棋。openEuler 的社区邮件列表之中出现了一个标题:“玩棋盘游戏的5个理由”于是我看到了那句话。
当我想了解更多关于树莓派的知识时,树莓派基金会的长篇报告:2018-2020战略出现在我面前。每一句话都在我的脑海里。这也是我们需要学习的一个好的开源社区。今年寒假在北京,我们的学生开始学习开源。这就是为什么我会遇到开源,然后是 openEuler 还有 树莓派。尽管我了解一些开源硬件,还是只当它(树莓派)是一个硬件,一个更便宜的电脑。但现在我遇到了树莓社区。就像 openEuler 不仅仅是一个操作系统,它还是一个社区。你们都是开源社区。
我们的国际象棋队,社区里大部分的图像是父母陪伴他们的孩子玩,包括邻居的孩子。当我们的团队访问国外的俱乐部时,同样的画面在我们的眼中也出现了。 -
我建了一座最高的国际象棋塔,5米高,用30万枚塑料瓶盖,只是为了社区送上1万副国际象棋。2000个孩子加入我们,三个月建成。最后一阶段是在几个父母的帮助下完工的。这座塔矗立在北京奥林匹克体育中心鸟巢的一侧。 -
在我国,有许多教育团体都有意愿关心这些特殊群体,如黔西南。 -
我是计算机科学老师,也是家长,志愿者。不仅是为了学习计算来学习计算,而且为了学习数字技术来帮助保护古老的棋类游戏和文化。 -
@raspberry_pi @codelubworld @CoderDojo
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