【Drupal7主题】PinBoard 瀑布流Drupal 7主题[v1.1.2]

2014/01/14 12:31
阅读数 376

PinBoard 瀑布流Drupal 7主题

PinBoard 瀑布流Drupal 7主题

PinBoard 是一个 Drupal 7 瀑布流主题,类似于蘑菇街。PinBoard is built on the same type of functionality as the now famous Pinterest.com website but PinBoard is built entirely using Drupal. PinBoard comes with a simple installation profile that quickly helps you set up the theme within just a few short steps. The PinBoard theme also combines flexibility, unique customizations, and a clean design built on the hugely popular Skeleton responsive framework – allowing for quick and easy modifications to your theme.


  • Fully responsive mobile theme using the Skeleton Boilerplate Framework

  • Pin bookmarklet button (add to your IE, Firefox, Chrome, or Safari browsers)

  • Easy pinning wizard panel for pinning images/videos

  • Easily customize social media buttons (ShareThis module)

  • “Pinned to Board…,” “Originally Pinned by…,” and Repin stats on Pin pages

  • Repin counter

  • Advanced pinning options (price, URL, tags, body)

  • Pin overlay with easy, one-click Pin closing to return to main page or category page

  • Invitation system

  • Search page with Pin image results

  • Facebook & Twitter login integration

  • SEO Friendly html code

  • New! RTL (Right to left support for Arabic, Greek, Latin, etc.)

  • Translate PinBoard to your language (using standard Drupal translation modules)

  • Works in all major browsers

  • New! Choose from 10 different font colors15 different font types, and 25 different backgrounds!

PinBoard Drupal 主题演示地址:


PinBoard v1.1.2 Drupal主题下载地址 [文件大小:23.3MB][官方完整正版]:

PinBoard v1.1.2 Drupal主题免费下载 [百度网盘下载]

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