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I have been interested in OpenGL ES 2.0 for years and today I want to share some of my experience. eglMakeCurrent First of all, do you remember the function eglMakeCurrent, its ...
FBO一个最常见的应用就是:渲染到纹理(render to texture),通过这项技术可以实现发光效果,环境映射,阴影映射等很炫的效果。 OpenGL中的Frame Buffer Object(FBO)扩展,被推荐用于把数据渲...
If there was one course I could add to every engineering education, it wouldn’t involve compilers or gates or time complexity. It would be Realities Of Your Industry 101, beca...
其实,网上已经有很多地方已经讨论过,System.Load 和 System.LoadLibrary 的差异了,比如这里: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7016391/difference-between-system-load-and-system-l...
在调用 Looper.myLooper().quit() 的时候发现报 NullPointerException,通过 Android Studio 发现如下提示: 查阅了 Looper 的源码: /** * Return the Looper object associated w...
在写 jni 层代码的时候,遇到了如下异常: W/dalvikvm(15173): Invalid indirect reference 0x28 in decodeIndirectRef I/dalvikvm(15173): "main" prio=5 tid=1 RUNNABLE I/dalvikvm(15173...
#include <time.h> /* return current time in milliseconds */ long get_current_ms() { struct timespec res; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &res); return 1000 * res.tv_s...
YUV 格式有两大类:planar 和 packed。 对于 planar 的 YUV 格式,先连续存储所有像素点的 Y,紧接着存储所有像素点的 U,随后是所有像素点的 V。 对于 packed 的 YUV 格式,每个像素点的 Y,...
在 github 上面 clone 一个包含有 submodule 的 repo 的时候,用如下命令更新 submodule: git submodule update --remote --merge 一直没法更新,尝试重新 add submodule,比如: git subm...
一、flv 格式 本文转自:http://blog.csdn.net/yeyumin89/article/details/7932368 对其文章的格式稍做调整,并修改了部分 type error. flv 文件的格式其实网上资料还是不少,但是怎么封装成...
使用 NDK 编译可执行文件,即 Android.mk 文件应该是编译 target 应该是 BUILD_EXECUTABLE include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE) 假设,编出的目标为 helloworld 1. 将 helloworld push 到手机的 /s...
This page is intended to briefly introduce the differences between SurfaceView and TextureView. SurfaceView and TextureView Both SurfaceView and TextureView are inherited from a...
Android provides a few ViewGroups like LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, FrameLayout to position child Views. These general purpose ViewGroups have quite a lot of options in them. F...